Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Salve a tutti,
ho Virtualbox (ultima versione, la 5.0) installata in Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit), funzionante.
Ho quindi virtualizzato un paio di distribuzioni, giusto per fare una prova e poi eventualmente installarle su disco, virtualizzate.
La prima è Kali Linux e la seconda Tails.
Sia il caricamento in live che l'installazione procedono senza problemi (a parte Tails, che sembra non essere installabile, ma solo live); i problemi sopraggiungono quando tento di aggiornare il sistema operativo virtualizzato.
Infatti sia con la prima che con la seconda distribuzione succede esattamente la stessa cosa. ossia, dopo circa 5 minuti che procedo con l'aggiornamento, dopo il classico apt-get update, quindi do:

Codice: Seleziona tutto

apt-get upgrade
e qui dopo una manciata di secondi, il terminale si chiude da sé e rimane la schermata, diciamo, home, praticamente il desktop senza icone e senza nulla, completamente inutilizzabile. infatti son costretto a spegnere Virtualbox e riavviare.
Ora, io non credo che sia una coincidenza, visto che ho provato 2 sistemi operativi e il solito identico problema si è presentato su entrambi.
quindi non capisco se sia un problema di Virtualbox o di hardware, anche se quest'ultimo non lo penso, in quanto la macchina in questione è un Asus portatile di alto livello, con un hardware da urlo; infatti, a macchina virtuale accesa e con Ubuntu che fa più di un'operazione in contemporanea, anche pesanti, non mostra il minimo rallentamento o scatto.
però, non si sa mai. a questo punto, non so cosa pensare.
un'ultima cosa: ho notato che quando faccio girare un sistema operativo in VM, la schermata non vien sfruttata, diciamo, a pieno, ma rimane di dimensioni di circa 3 quarti del video, anche massimizzando la finestra.
c'è un modo per poter lavorare a tutto schermo?
cmq il problema che m'interessa risolvere, è questo degli aggiornamenti.
c'è qualcuno fra di voi che ha un po' più d'esperienza di me con VIrtualbox?
son aperto anche ai cambiamenti, perciò se mi dite che esistono sw per macchine virtuali migliori di Virtualbox, sono pronto anche a cambiare.
Per info supplementare, ho installato anche l'extension pack.
Grazie a tutti.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da System » mar feb 23, 2016 10:31 pm

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Livello: Disco fisso (9/15)
Livello: Disco fisso (9/15)
Messaggi: 869
Iscritto il: gio mag 02, 2013 3:32 pm
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Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da eDog »

Ciao Usag,
Usag ha scritto: un'ultima cosa: ho notato che quando faccio girare un sistema operativo in VM, la schermata non vien sfruttata, diciamo, a pieno, ma rimane di dimensioni di circa 3 quarti del video, anche massimizzando la finestra.
c'è un modo per poter lavorare a tutto schermo?
per curiosità, il sistema operativo host sta girando con i driver video proprietari o open source?

Altra cosa,
leggendo qui, alla sezione 12.1.2:
Every time VirtualBox starts up a VM, a so-called "release log file" is created containing lots of information about the VM configuration and runtime events. The log file is called VBox.log and resides in the VM log file folder. Typically this will be a directory like this:

$HOME/VirtualBox VMs/{machinename}/Logs
When starting a VM, the configuration file of the last run will be renamed to .1, up to .3. Sometimes when there is a problem, it is useful to have a look at the logs. Also when requesting support for VirtualBox, supplying the corresponding log file is mandatory.

For convenience, for each virtual machine, the VirtualBox main window can show these logs in a window. To access it, select a virtual machine from the list on the left and select "Show logs..." from the "Machine" window.

The release log file (VBox.log) contains a wealth of diagnostic information, such as Host OS type and version, VirtualBox version and build (32-bit or 64-bit), a complete dump of the guest's configuration (CFGM), detailed information about the host CPU type and supported features, whether hardware virtualization is enabled, information about VT-x/AMD-V setup, state transitions (creating, running, paused, stopping, etc.), guest BIOS messages, Guest Additions messages, device-specific log entries and, at the end of execution, final guest state and condensed statistics.
Riesci a recuperare quel log e postarlo? :)
I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice. - Albert Einstein
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Ciao eDog,

Il sistema operativo host sta girando con i driver video proprietari o open source?
Credo stia girando coi driver video proprietari, sono Nvidia GT Force, se non ricordo male.

Riesci a recuperare quel log e postarlo? :)
Oggi provo a riavviarla e te lo faccio sapere.

Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Ok, ho recuperato il file di log di cui parlavi; posto di seguito il contenuto:

Codice: Seleziona tutto

VirtualBox VM 5.0.14 r105127 linux.amd64 (Jan 19 2016 17:45:00) release log
00:00:23.038153 Log opened 2016-02-23T20:38:03.279126000Z
00:00:23.038155 Build Type: release
00:00:23.038159 OS Product: Linux
00:00:23.038160 OS Release: 3.13.0-77-generic
00:00:23.038161 OS Version: #121-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 20 10:50:42 UTC 2016
00:00:23.038184 DMI Product Name: N550JK
00:00:23.038192 DMI Product Version: 1.0       
00:00:23.038326 Host RAM: 15932MB total, 13398MB available
00:00:23.038333 Executable: /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox
00:00:23.038334 Process ID: 8464
00:00:23.038335 Package type: LINUX_64BITS_UBUNTU_14_04
00:00:23.043270 Installed Extension Packs:
00:00:23.043374   Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack (Version: 5.0.14 r105127; VRDE Module: VBoxVRDP)
00:00:23.044347 Console: Machine state changed to 'Starting'
00:00:23.048532 Using XKB for keycode to scan code conversion
00:00:23.051852 SUP: Loaded VMMR0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0) at 0xffffffffa0d11020 - ModuleInit at ffffffffa0d305e0 and ModuleTerm at ffffffffa0d30ab0
00:00:23.051983 SUP: VMMR0EntryEx located at ffffffffa0d33fc0 and VMMR0EntryFast at ffffffffa0d337f0
00:00:23.054523 Guest OS type: 'Debian_64'
00:00:23.060542 fHMForced=true - Lots of RAM
00:00:23.060658 fHMForced=true - 64-bit guest
00:00:23.066615 File system of '/media/veracrypt1/tails-i386-2.0.1/tails-i386-2.0.1.iso' (DVD) is fuse
00:00:23.069924 File system of '/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Snapshots' (snapshots) is unknown
00:00:23.069953 File system of '/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Tails.vdi' is fuse
00:00:23.079359 Shared clipboard service loaded
00:00:23.079458 Shared clipboard mode: Off
00:00:23.080328 Drag and drop service loaded
00:00:23.080409 Drag and drop mode: Off
00:00:23.082165 Guest Control service loaded
00:00:23.084570 ************************* CFGM dump *************************
00:00:23.084576 [/] (level 0)
00:00:23.084592   CSAMEnabled       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084598   CpuExecutionCap   <integer> = 0x0000000000000064 (100)
00:00:23.084600   EnablePAE         <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084601   HMEnabled         <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084602   MemBalloonSize    <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084604   Name              <string>  = "Tails" (cb=6)
00:00:23.084605   NumCPUs           <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084607   PATMEnabled       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084608   PageFusionAllowed <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084609   RamHoleSize       <integer> = 0x0000000020000000 (536 870 912, 512 MB)
00:00:23.084612   RamSize           <integer> = 0x0000000100000000 (4 294 967 296, 4 GB)
00:00:23.084614   RawR0Enabled      <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084616   RawR3Enabled      <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084617   TimerMillies      <integer> = 0x000000000000000a (10)
00:00:23.084618   UUID              <bytes>   = "46 58 24 c4 f3 e1 6e 48 90 12 5d f7 94 ba 94 42" (cb=16)
00:00:23.084626 [/CPUM/] (level 1)
00:00:23.084628   PortableCpuIdLevel <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084634 [/DBGF/] (level 1)
00:00:23.084635   Path <string>  = "/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/debug/;/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/;/home/usag/" (cb=138)
00:00:23.084637 [/Devices/] (level 1)
00:00:23.084639 [/Devices/8237A/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084641 [/Devices/8237A/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084643   Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084644 [/Devices/GIMDev/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084646 [/Devices/GIMDev/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084648   Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084650 [/Devices/VMMDev/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084652 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084653   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084655   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x0000000000000004 (4)
00:00:23.084656   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084657   Trusted       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084659 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084661   GuestCoreDumpDir <string>  = "/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Snapshots" (cb=69)
00:00:23.084662   RamSize          <integer> = 0x0000000100000000 (4 294 967 296, 4 GB)
00:00:23.084665 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084666   Driver <string>  = "HGCM" (cb=5)
00:00:23.084668 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084670   Object <integer> = 0x00007f57780035c0 (140 013 652 161 984)
00:00:23.084673 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084675   Driver <string>  = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:23.084676 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084678   First   <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084679   Last    <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084680   papLeds <integer> = 0x00007f57940017d8 (140 014 121 916 376)
00:00:23.084683 [/Devices/acpi/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084685 [/Devices/acpi/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084687   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084688   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x0000000000000007 (7)
00:00:23.084689   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084690   Trusted       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084692 [/Devices/acpi/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084694   CpuHotPlug          <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084695   FdcEnabled          <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084696   HostBusPciAddress   <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084697   HpetEnabled         <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084699   IOAPIC              <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084700   IocPciAddress       <integer> = 0x0000000000010000 (65 536)
00:00:23.084702   NumCPUs             <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084703   Parallel0IoPortBase <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084704   Parallel0Irq        <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084705   Parallel1IoPortBase <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084706   Parallel1Irq        <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084708   RamHoleSize         <integer> = 0x0000000020000000 (536 870 912, 512 MB)
00:00:23.084710   RamSize             <integer> = 0x0000000100000000 (4 294 967 296, 4 GB)
00:00:23.084712   Serial0IoPortBase   <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084713   Serial0Irq          <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084714   Serial1IoPortBase   <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084715   Serial1Irq          <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084716   ShowCpu             <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084718   ShowRtc             <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084719   SmcEnabled          <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084721 [/Devices/acpi/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084722   Driver <string>  = "ACPIHost" (cb=9)
00:00:23.084724 [/Devices/acpi/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084726 [/Devices/ahci/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084728 [/Devices/ahci/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084730   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084731   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x000000000000000d (13)
00:00:23.084732   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084733   Trusted       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084735 [/Devices/ahci/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084737   Bootable  <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084738   PortCount <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084739 [/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084741   Hotpluggable        <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084743   NonRotationalMedium <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084744 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084746   Driver <string>  = "Block" (cb=6)
00:00:23.084748 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084750   Driver <string>  = "VD" (cb=3)
00:00:23.084751 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:23.084753   BlockCache <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084755   Format     <string>  = "VDI" (cb=4)
00:00:23.084756   Path       <string>  = "/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Tails.vdi" (cb=69)
00:00:23.084757   Type       <string>  = "HardDisk" (cb=9)
00:00:23.084758   UseNewIo   <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084760 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/Plugins/] (level 7)
00:00:23.084762 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/Plugins/VDPluginCrypt/] (level 8)
00:00:23.084765   Path <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64/" (cb=100)
00:00:23.084767 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/VDConfig/] (level 7)
00:00:23.084769 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/VDConfig/CRYPT/] (level 8)
00:00:23.084772   KeyId    <string>  = "Tails" (cb=6)
00:00:23.084773   KeyStore <string>  = "U0NORQABQUVTLVhUUzI1Ni1QTEFJTjY0AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQQktERjItU0hB
00:00:23.084775 UWqvpM1y7aePCSAAAABVrQZY8ih+N9+cgORB8PKK0ITU+XcuvitXiU+bVwWzciBO
00:00:23.084775 AAD0cIHv5ie2W1YMVjgLk4qjdEjMTqcs2htsVYuF/2XE5eAiAgBAAAAAonKyeT/h
00:00:23.084776 D7DfKs46Rxk5hW/aPHzVrpbAAXq30sUQEeP/LcdIgjGipsk6VLtPQpXp1Yvcckf1
00:00:23.084776 gfuIc5PidIU4dg==" (cb=342)
00:00:23.084778 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084780   Mountable <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084781   Type      <string>  = "HardDisk" (cb=9)
00:00:23.084782 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084784   Driver <string>  = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:23.084786 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084788   DeviceInstance        <string>  = "ahci/0" (cb=7)
00:00:23.084789   First                 <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084790   Last                  <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084792   pConsole              <integer> = 0x00007f5794001180 (140 014 121 914 752)
00:00:23.084794   papLeds               <integer> = 0x00007f57940014c8 (140 014 121 915 592)
00:00:23.084796   pmapMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x00007f57940017f8 (140 014 121 916 408)
00:00:23.084799 [/Devices/apic/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084801 [/Devices/apic/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084802   Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084804 [/Devices/apic/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084806   IOAPIC  <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084807   NumCPUs <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084809 [/Devices/e1000/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084811 [/Devices/e1000/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084812   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084813   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
00:00:23.084814   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084816   Trusted       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084817 [/Devices/e1000/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084819   AdapterType    <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084820   CableConnected <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084821   LineSpeed      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084822   MAC            <bytes>   = "08 00 27 3b 1e 2e" (cb=6)
00:00:23.084825 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084827   Driver <string>  = "NAT" (cb=4)
00:00:23.084828 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084831   AliasMode       <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084832   BootFile        <string>  = "Tails.pxe" (cb=10)
00:00:23.084833   DNSProxy        <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084834   Network         <string>  = "" (cb=12)
00:00:23.084835   PassDomain      <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084837   TFTPPrefix      <string>  = "/home/usag/.config/VirtualBox/TFTP" (cb=35)
00:00:23.084838   UseHostResolver <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084839 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084841   Driver <string>  = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:23.084843 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084844   First   <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084846   Last    <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084847   papLeds <integer> = 0x00007f57940016b8 (140 014 121 916 088)
00:00:23.084849 [/Devices/i8254/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084851 [/Devices/i8254/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084853 [/Devices/i8254/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084856 [/Devices/i8259/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084857 [/Devices/i8259/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084859   Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084861 [/Devices/i8259/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084863 [/Devices/ichac97/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084865 [/Devices/ichac97/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084866   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084867   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x0000000000000005 (5)
00:00:23.084868   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084869   Trusted       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084871 [/Devices/ichac97/0/AudioConfig/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084873 [/Devices/ichac97/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084875   Codec <string>  = "AD1980" (cb=7)
00:00:23.084877 [/Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084879   Driver <string>  = "AUDIO" (cb=6)
00:00:23.084880 [/Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084882   Driver <string>  = "PulseAudio" (cb=11)
00:00:23.084884 [/Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:23.084886   StreamName <string>  = "Tails" (cb=6)
00:00:23.084887 [/Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084889 [/Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#1/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084891   Driver <string>  = "AUDIO" (cb=6)
00:00:23.084892 [/Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084894   Driver <string>  = "AudioVRDE" (cb=10)
00:00:23.084896 [/Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:23.084898   AudioDriver      <string>  = "AudioVRDE" (cb=10)
00:00:23.084899   Object           <integer> = 0x00007f5794006e50 (140 014 121 938 512)
00:00:23.084901   ObjectVRDPServer <integer> = 0x00007f5794007490 (140 014 121 940 112)
00:00:23.084903   StreamName       <string>  = "Tails" (cb=6)
00:00:23.084905 [/Devices/ioapic/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084907 [/Devices/ioapic/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084908   Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084910 [/Devices/ioapic/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084911   NumCPUs <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084913 [/Devices/mc146818/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084915 [/Devices/mc146818/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084917 [/Devices/mc146818/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084919   UseUTC <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084921 [/Devices/parallel/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084922 [/Devices/pcarch/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084924 [/Devices/pcarch/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084926   Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084927 [/Devices/pcarch/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084930 [/Devices/pcbios/] (level 2)
00:00:23.084931 [/Devices/pcbios/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.084933   Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084935 [/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.084937   BootDevice0        <string>  = "FLOPPY" (cb=7)
00:00:23.084938   BootDevice1        <string>  = "DVD" (cb=4)
00:00:23.084939   BootDevice2        <string>  = "IDE" (cb=4)
00:00:23.084940   BootDevice3        <string>  = "NONE" (cb=5)
00:00:23.084956   FloppyDevice       <string>  = "i82078" (cb=7)
00:00:23.084957   HardDiskDevice     <string>  = "piix3ide" (cb=9)
00:00:23.084958   IOAPIC             <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084960   LanBootRom         <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/PXE-Intel.rom" (cb=85)
00:00:23.084961   McfgBase           <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084962   McfgLength         <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084974   NumCPUs            <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.084976   PXEDebug           <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084978   RamHoleSize        <integer> = 0x0000000020000000 (536 870 912, 512 MB)
00:00:23.084980   RamSize            <integer> = 0x0000000100000000 (4 294 967 296, 4 GB)
00:00:23.084983   SataHardDiskDevice <string>  = "ahci" (cb=5)
00:00:23.084984   SataLUN1           <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.084986   UUID               <bytes>   = "46 58 24 c4 f3 e1 6e 48 90 12 5d f7 94 ba 94 42" (cb=16)
00:00:23.084991 [/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/NetBoot/] (level 5)
00:00:23.084994 [/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/NetBoot/0/] (level 6)
00:00:23.084997   NIC           <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085000   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085002   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
00:00:23.085004   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085007 [/Devices/pci/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085011 [/Devices/pci/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085015   Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085018 [/Devices/pci/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085022   IOAPIC <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085025 [/Devices/pckbd/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085029 [/Devices/pckbd/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085033   Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085036 [/Devices/pckbd/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085040 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085044   Driver <string>  = "KeyboardQueue" (cb=14)
00:00:23.085047 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085050   Driver <string>  = "MainKeyboard" (cb=13)
00:00:23.085052 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:23.085055   Object <integer> = 0x00007f5794002280 (140 014 121 919 104)
00:00:23.085060 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085064   QueueSize <integer> = 0x0000000000000040 (64)
00:00:23.085067 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085071   Driver <string>  = "MouseQueue" (cb=11)
00:00:23.085074 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085077   Driver <string>  = "MainMouse" (cb=10)
00:00:23.085079 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:23.085082   Object <integer> = 0x00007f5794002a80 (140 014 121 921 152)
00:00:23.085086 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085090   QueueSize <integer> = 0x0000000000000080 (128)
00:00:23.085094 [/Devices/pcnet/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085098 [/Devices/piix3ide/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085102 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085106   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085109   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085111   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085112   Trusted       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085114 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085117   Type <string>  = "PIIX4" (cb=6)
00:00:23.085119 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/SecondaryMaster/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085121   NonRotationalMedium <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085123 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085125   Driver <string>  = "Block" (cb=6)
00:00:23.085127 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085130   Driver <string>  = "VD" (cb=3)
00:00:23.085132 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:23.085134   Format   <string>  = "RAW" (cb=4)
00:00:23.085136   Path     <string>  = "/media/veracrypt1/tails-i386-2.0.1/tails-i386-2.0.1.iso" (cb=56)
00:00:23.085137   ReadOnly <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085139   Type     <string>  = "DVD" (cb=4)
00:00:23.085141 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/AttachedDriver/Config/Plugins/] (level 7)
00:00:23.085147 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/AttachedDriver/Config/Plugins/VDPluginCrypt/] (level 8)
00:00:23.085152   Path <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64/" (cb=100)
00:00:23.085156 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085160   Mountable <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085163   Type      <string>  = "DVD" (cb=4)
00:00:23.085166 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085170   Driver <string>  = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:23.085173 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085175   DeviceInstance        <string>  = "piix3ide/0" (cb=11)
00:00:23.085177   First                 <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085178   Last                  <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
00:00:23.085180   pConsole              <integer> = 0x00007f5794001180 (140 014 121 914 752)
00:00:23.085183   papLeds               <integer> = 0x00007f57940014a8 (140 014 121 915 560)
00:00:23.085186   pmapMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x00007f57940017f8 (140 014 121 916 408)
00:00:23.085190 [/Devices/serial/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085194 [/Devices/usb-ehci/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085198 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085202   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085205   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x000000000000000b (11)
00:00:23.085207   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085208   Trusted       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085211 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085214 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085218   Driver <string>  = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12)
00:00:23.085221 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085226 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085230   Driver <string>  = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:23.085233 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085237   First   <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085239   Last    <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085240   papLeds <integer> = 0x00007f57940017e8 (140 014 121 916 392)
00:00:23.085243 [/Devices/usb-ohci/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085246 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085248   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085249   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x0000000000000006 (6)
00:00:23.085251   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085252   Trusted       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085254 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085257 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085259   Driver <string>  = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12)
00:00:23.085261 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085265 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085268   Driver <string>  = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:23.085271 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085276   First   <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085278   Last    <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085281   papLeds <integer> = 0x00007f57940017e0 (140 014 121 916 384)
00:00:23.085285 [/Devices/vga/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085290 [/Devices/vga/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085293   PCIBusNo      <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085295   PCIDeviceNo   <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
00:00:23.085297   PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085298   Trusted       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085300 [/Devices/vga/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085303   CustomVideoModes <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085304   FadeIn           <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085306   FadeOut          <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085308   HeightReduction  <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085309   LogoFile         <string>  = "" (cb=1)
00:00:23.085311   LogoTime         <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085312   MonitorCount     <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085314   ShowBootMenu     <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
00:00:23.085315   VRamSize         <integer> = 0x0000000000c00000 (12 582 912, 12 MB)
00:00:23.085319 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085323   Driver <string>  = "MainDisplay" (cb=12)
00:00:23.085326 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085330   Object <integer> = 0x00007f57940035b0 (140 014 121 924 016)
00:00:23.085335 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085337   Driver <string>  = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:23.085339 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085342   First   <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085344   Last    <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085347   papLeds <integer> = 0x00007f57940017f0 (140 014 121 916 400)
00:00:23.085351 [/Devices/virtio-net/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085355 [/EM/] (level 1)
00:00:23.085358   TripleFaultReset <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085362 [/GIM/] (level 1)
00:00:23.085364   Provider <string>  = "KVM" (cb=4)
00:00:23.085367 [/HM/] (level 1)
00:00:23.085369   64bitEnabled       <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085370   EnableLargePages   <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085372   EnableNestedPaging <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085373   EnableUX           <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085375   EnableVPID         <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085376   Exclusive          <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085378   HMForced           <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:23.085380 [/MM/] (level 1)
00:00:23.085382   CanUseLargerHeap <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085385 [/PDM/] (level 1)
00:00:23.085388 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085393 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085397 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/BwGroups/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085402 [/PDM/BlkCache/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085405   CacheSize <integer> = 0x0000000000500000 (5 242 880, 5 MB)
00:00:23.085411 [/PDM/Devices/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085414 [/PDM/Devices/VBoxEhci/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085416   Path         <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64/" (cb=97)
00:00:23.085417   R0SearchPath <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64" (cb=83)
00:00:23.085419   RCSearchPath <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64" (cb=83)
00:00:23.085421 [/PDM/Devices/VBoxPciRaw/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085424   Path         <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64/" (cb=99)
00:00:23.085426   R0SearchPath <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64" (cb=83)
00:00:23.085430 [/PDM/Drivers/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085433 [/PDM/Drivers/DrvHostWebcam/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085437   Path <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64/" (cb=101)
00:00:23.085440 [/PDM/Drivers/VBoxC/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085442   Path <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/components/VBoxC" (cb=37)
00:00:23.085444 [/PDM/Drivers/VBoxPciRawDrv/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085446   Path <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64/" (cb=100)
00:00:23.085448 [/PDM/NetworkShaper/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085452 [/PDM/NetworkShaper/BwGroups/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085457 [/PDM/USB/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085461 [/PDM/USB/VBoxUsbCardReader/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085464   Path <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64/" (cb=106)
00:00:23.085467 [/PDM/USB/VBoxUsbWebcam/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085471   Path <string>  = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64/" (cb=102)
00:00:23.085473 [/TM/] (level 1)
00:00:23.085475   UTCOffset <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:23.085477 [/USB/] (level 1)
00:00:23.085479 [/USB/HidMouse/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085482 [/USB/HidMouse/0/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085485 [/USB/HidMouse/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085487   Mode <string>  = "absolute" (cb=9)
00:00:23.085489 [/USB/HidMouse/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:23.085491   Driver <string>  = "MouseQueue" (cb=11)
00:00:23.085493 [/USB/HidMouse/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085496   Driver <string>  = "MainMouse" (cb=10)
00:00:23.085498 [/USB/HidMouse/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:23.085500   Object <integer> = 0x00007f5794002a80 (140 014 121 921 152)
00:00:23.085504 [/USB/HidMouse/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:23.085506   QueueSize <integer> = 0x0000000000000080 (128)
00:00:23.085509 [/USB/USBProxy/] (level 2)
00:00:23.085513 [/USB/USBProxy/GlobalConfig/] (level 3)
00:00:23.085518 ********************* End of CFGM dump **********************
00:00:23.085543 VM: fHMEnabled=true  (configured) fRecompileUser=false fRecompileSupervisor=false
00:00:23.085549 VM: fRawRing1Enabled=false CSAM=true  PATM=true 
00:00:23.086003 HM: HMR3Init: VT-x w/ nested paging and unrestricted guest execution hw support
00:00:23.086094 MM: cbHyperHeap=0x100000 (1048576)
00:00:23.087130 CPUM: fXStateHostMask=0x7; initial: 0x7; host XCR0=0x7
00:00:23.088774 CPUM: Matched host CPU INTEL 0x6/0x3c/0x3 Intel_Core7_Haswell with CPU DB entry 'Intel Core i7-5600U' (INTEL 0x6/0x3d/0x4 Intel_Core7_Broadwell)
00:00:23.089367 PGM: HCPhysInterPD=0000000007e71000 HCPhysInterPaePDPT=000000006ddf1000 HCPhysInterPaePML4=000000004dc02000
00:00:23.089453 PGM: apInterPTs={000000000b69c000,0000000038924000} apInterPaePTs={00000001d4769000,0000000195ec0000} apInterPaePDs={00000001628a5000,00000003f99c6000,000000013325a000,0000000110f45000} pInterPaePDPT64=000000003b4f8000
00:00:23.089523 PGM: Host paging mode: AMD64+PGE+NX
00:00:23.089587 PGM: PGMPool: cMaxPages=2096 (u64MaxPages=2084)
00:00:23.089628 PGM: pgmR3PoolInit: cMaxPages=0x830 cMaxUsers=0x1060 cMaxPhysExts=0x1060 fCacheEnable=true 
00:00:23.119184 TM: GIP - u32Mode=3 (Invariant) u32UpdateHz=83 u32UpdateIntervalNS=12000000 enmUseTscDelta=2 (Pratically Zero) fGetGipCpu=0x3 cCpus=8
00:00:23.119255 TM: GIP - u64CpuHz=2 394 455 013 (0x8eb87be5)  SUPGetCpuHzFromGip => 2 394 455 013
00:00:23.119279 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x0 idCpu=0x0 idApic=0x0 iGipCpu=0x3 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2394454995(*) cErrors=0
00:00:23.119323 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x1 idCpu=0x1 idApic=0x2 iGipCpu=0x7 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2394455017(*) cErrors=0
00:00:23.119341 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x2 idCpu=0x2 idApic=0x4 iGipCpu=0x0 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2394455013(*) cErrors=0
00:00:23.119358 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x3 idCpu=0x3 idApic=0x6 iGipCpu=0x5 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2394455011(*) cErrors=0
00:00:23.119375 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x4 idCpu=0x4 idApic=0x1 iGipCpu=0x4 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2394455009(*) cErrors=0
00:00:23.119392 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x5 idCpu=0x5 idApic=0x3 iGipCpu=0x1 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2394454663(*) cErrors=0
00:00:23.119408 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x6 idCpu=0x6 idApic=0x5 iGipCpu=0x2 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2394455024(*) cErrors=0
00:00:23.119425 TM: GIP - CPU: iCpuSet=0x7 idCpu=0x7 idApic=0x7 iGipCpu=0x6 i64TSCDelta=0 enmState=3 u64CpuHz=2394455010(*) cErrors=0
00:00:23.119482 TM: cTSCTicksPerSecond=2 394 455 013 (0x8eb87be5) enmTSCMode=3 (Dynamic)
00:00:23.119483 TM: TSCTiedToExecution=false TSCNotTiedToHalt=false
00:00:23.119633 VMM: CoreCode: R3=00007f57b6fba000 R0=ffffc90006548000 RC=a0f9c000 Phys=000000001b92b000 cb=0x1000
00:00:23.119786 GIM: Using provider 'KVM' (Implementation version: 0)
00:00:23.119808 CPUM: SetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled Hypervisor Present bit
00:00:23.119886 AIOMgr: Default manager type is 'Async'
00:00:23.119904 AIOMgr: Default file backend is 'NonBuffered'
00:00:23.119969 BlkCache: Cache successfully initialized. Cache size is 5242880 bytes
00:00:23.119989 BlkCache: Cache commit interval is 10000 ms
00:00:23.120006 BlkCache: Cache commit threshold is 2621440 bytes
00:00:23.121997 PcBios: [SMP] BIOS with 1 CPUs
00:00:23.122110 PcBios: MPS table at 000e1300
00:00:23.122388 PcBios: Using LAN ROM '/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/PXE-Intel.rom' with a size of 0xc000 bytes
00:00:23.124534 SUP: Loaded VBoxDDR0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxDDR0.r0) at 0xffffffffa0e0b020 - ModuleInit at 0000000000000000 and ModuleTerm at 0000000000000000
00:00:23.125223 SUP: Loaded VBoxDD2R0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxDD2R0.r0) at 0xffffffffa044b020 - ModuleInit at 0000000000000000 and ModuleTerm at 0000000000000000
00:00:23.125261 APIC: Activating Local APIC
00:00:23.125281 CPUM: SetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled APIC
00:00:23.125489 PIT: mode=3 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:23.127428 Shared Folders service loaded
00:00:23.131527 DrvBlock: Flushes will be ignored
00:00:23.131609 DrvBlock: Async flushes will be passed to the disk
00:00:23.131711 VD: VDInit finished
00:00:23.133944 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file '/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Tails.vdi' (flags 000c0723) created successfully
00:00:23.134162 VD: Opening the disk took 459741 ns
00:00:23.134196 AHCI: LUN#0: disk, PCHS=16383/16/63, total number of sectors 31457280
00:00:23.134217 AHCI: LUN#0: using async I/O
00:00:23.134278 AHCI#0: Reset the HBA
00:00:23.134447 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#0: no unit
00:00:23.134495 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#1: no unit
00:00:23.134534 DrvBlock: Flushes will be ignored
00:00:23.134579 DrvBlock: Async flushes will be passed to the disk
00:00:23.134653 VD: Opening the disk took 47655 ns
00:00:23.134710 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#2: CD/DVD, total number of sectors 554243, passthrough disabled
00:00:23.134731 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#3: no unit
00:00:23.134760 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: finished processing RESET
00:00:23.134793 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET
00:00:23.137550 NAT: DNS server registration detected, switching to the DNS proxy
00:00:23.137608 NAT: DNS#0:
00:00:23.137866 Audio: Initializing PulseAudio driver
00:00:23.140839 Audio: Initializing VRDE driver
00:00:23.140918 AC97: Reset
00:00:23.144598 VUSB: Attached 'HidMouse' to port 1
00:00:23.145466 SUP: Loaded VBoxEhciR0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.amd64/VBoxEhciR0.r0) at 0xffffffffa0464020 - ModuleInit at 0000000000000000 and ModuleTerm at 0000000000000000
00:00:23.145864 AIOMgr: Flush failed with VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, disabling async flushes
00:00:23.145955 PcBios: SATA LUN#0 LCHS=1024/255/63
00:00:23.146158 PGM: The CPU physical address width is 39 bits
00:00:23.146201 PGM: PGMR3InitFinalize: 4 MB PSE mask 0000007fffffffff
00:00:23.146272 TM: TMR3InitFinalize: fTSCModeSwitchAllowed=true 
00:00:23.151194 VMM: Thread-context hooks enabled!
00:00:23.151338 HM: Using VT-x implementation 2.0!
00:00:23.151340 HM: Host CR4                        = 0x1407e0
00:00:23.151342 HM: Host EFER                       = 0xd01
00:00:23.151343 HM: MSR_IA32_SMM_MONITOR_CTL        = 0x0
00:00:23.151345 HM: MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL        = 0x5
00:00:23.151346 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC_INFO         = 0xda040000000012
00:00:23.151348 HM:   VMCS id                             = 0x12
00:00:23.151350 HM:   VMCS size                           = 1024 bytes
00:00:23.151351 HM:   VMCS physical address limit         = None
00:00:23.151352 HM:   VMCS memory type                    = 0x6
00:00:23.151353 HM:   Dual-monitor treatment support      = true 
00:00:23.151355 HM:   OUTS & INS instruction-info         = true 
00:00:23.151356 HM: Max resume loops                = 8192
00:00:23.151357 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS      = 0x7f00000016
00:00:23.151363 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS     = 0xfff9fffe0401e172
00:00:23.151371 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CR3_LOAD_EXIT (must be set)
00:00:23.151372 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CR3_STORE_EXIT (must be set)
00:00:23.151386 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2    = 0x3cff00000000
00:00:23.151388 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC2_EPT
00:00:23.151392 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC2_VPID
00:00:23.151397 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC2_VMCS_SHADOWING (must be cleared)
00:00:23.151398 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC2_RDSEED_EXIT (must be cleared)
00:00:23.151401 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC2_EPT_VE (must be cleared)
00:00:23.151402 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC2_XSAVES (must be cleared)
00:00:23.151402 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS         = 0xffff000011ff
00:00:23.151404 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_ENTRY_LOAD_DEBUG (must be set)
00:00:23.151410 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_EXIT_CTLS          = 0x7fffff00036dff
00:00:23.151411 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_EXIT_SAVE_DEBUG (must be set)
00:00:23.151414 HM:   VMX_VMCS_CTRL_EXIT_ACK_EXT_INT
00:00:23.151419 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP       = 0xf0106334141
00:00:23.151420 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP_RWX_X_ONLY
00:00:23.151421 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP_GAW_48_BITS
00:00:23.151422 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP_EMT_UC
00:00:23.151423 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP_EMT_WB
00:00:23.151424 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP_SP_21_BITS
00:00:23.151424 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP_SP_30_BITS
00:00:23.151425 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP_INVEPT
00:00:23.151429 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP_INVVPID
00:00:23.151433 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC               = 0x300481e5
00:00:23.151434 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_PREEMPT_TSC_BIT      = 0x5
00:00:23.151436 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_STORE_EFERLMA_VMEXIT = true 
00:00:23.151437 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_ACTIVITY_STATES      = 0x7
00:00:23.151438 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_CR3_TARGET           = 0x4
00:00:23.151439 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_MAX_MSR              = 512
00:00:23.151440 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_RDMSR_SMBASE_MSR_SMM = true 
00:00:23.151441 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_SMM_MONITOR_CTL_B2   = true 
00:00:23.151442 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_VMWRITE_VMEXIT_INFO  = true 
00:00:23.151443 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_MSEG_ID              = 0x0
00:00:23.151444 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0         = 0x80000021
00:00:23.151445 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1         = 0xffffffff
00:00:23.151447 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0         = 0x2000
00:00:23.151448 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1         = 0x1727ff
00:00:23.151449 HM: MSR_IA32_VMX_VMCS_ENUM          = 0x2a
00:00:23.151450 HM:   MSR_IA32_VMX_VMCS_ENUM_HIGHEST_INDEX   = 0x15
00:00:23.151452 HM: MSR_A32_VMX_VMFUNC              = 0x1
00:00:23.151453 HM: APIC-access page physaddr       = 0x000000004a960000
00:00:23.151455 HM: VCPU  0: MSR bitmap physaddr    = 0x0000000015975000
00:00:23.151457 HM: VCPU  0: VMCS physaddr          = 0x000000004a961000
00:00:23.151459 HM: Guest support: 32-bit and 64-bit
00:00:23.151463 HM: Supports VMCS EFER fields       = true 
00:00:23.151465 HM: VMX enabled!
00:00:23.151469 CPUM: SetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled SYSENTER/EXIT
00:00:23.151470 CPUM: SetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled PAE
00:00:23.151472 CPUM: SetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled LONG MODE
00:00:23.151473 CPUM: SetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled SYSCALL/RET
00:00:23.151474 CPUM: SetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled LAHF/SAHF
00:00:23.151474 CPUM: SetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled NX
00:00:23.151475 HM: Nested paging enabled!
00:00:23.151476 HM:   EPT flush type                = VMXFLUSHEPT_SINGLE_CONTEXT
00:00:23.151477 HM: Unrestricted guest execution enabled!
00:00:23.151478 HM: VPID enabled!
00:00:23.151479 HM:   VPID flush type               = VMXFLUSHVPID_SINGLE_CONTEXT
00:00:23.151479 HM: VMX-preemption timer enabled (cPreemptTimerShift=5)
00:00:23.151481 HM: VT-x/AMD-V init method: GLOBAL
00:00:23.151484 VMM: fUsePeriodicPreemptionTimers=false
00:00:23.152324 CPUM: Logical host processors: 8 present, 8 max, 8 online, online mask: 00000000000000ff
00:00:23.152439 CPUM: Physical host cores: 4
00:00:23.152440 ************************* CPUID dump ************************
00:00:23.152457          Raw Standard CPUID Leaves
00:00:23.152458      Leaf/sub-leaf  eax      ebx      ecx      edx
00:00:23.152459 Gst: 00000000/0000  0000000d 756e6547 6c65746e 49656e69
00:00:23.152463 Hst:                0000000d 756e6547 6c65746e 49656e69
00:00:23.152465 Gst: 00000001/0000  000306c3 00000800 d6d8220b 078bfbff
00:00:23.152468 Hst:                000306c3 07100800 7ffafbbf bfebfbff
00:00:23.152471 Gst: 00000002/0000  76036301 00f0b5ff 00000000 00c10000
00:00:23.152473 Hst:                76036301 00f0b5ff 00000000 00c10000
00:00:23.152475 Gst: 00000003/0000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152477 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152478 Gst: 00000004/0000  00000121 01c0003f 0000003f 00000000
00:00:23.152480 Hst:                1c004121 01c0003f 0000003f 00000000
00:00:23.152483 Gst: 00000004/0001  00000122 01c0003f 0000003f 00000000
00:00:23.152484 Hst:                1c004122 01c0003f 0000003f 00000000
00:00:23.152486 Gst: 00000004/0002  00000143 01c0003f 000001ff 00000000
00:00:23.152488 Hst:                1c004143 01c0003f 000001ff 00000000
00:00:23.152490 Gst: 00000004/0003  00000163 02c0003f 00001fff 00000006
00:00:23.152492 Hst:                1c03c163 02c0003f 00001fff 00000006
00:00:23.152494 Gst: 00000004/0004  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152495 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152497 Gst: 00000005/0000  00000040 00000040 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152499 Hst:                00000040 00000040 00000003 00042120
00:00:23.152501 Gst: 00000006/0000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152502 Hst:                00000077 00000002 00000009 00000000
00:00:23.152504 Gst: 00000007/0000  00000000 00002000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152505 Hst:                00000000 000027ab 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152507 Gst: 00000007/0001  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152508 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152510 Gst: 00000008/0000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152511 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152513 Gst: 00000009/0000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152514 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152515 Gst: 0000000a/0000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152517 Hst:                07300403 00000000 00000000 00000603
00:00:23.152519 Gst: 0000000b/0000  00000000 00000001 00000100 00000000
00:00:23.152520 Hst:                00000001 00000002 00000100 00000007
00:00:23.152522 Gst: 0000000b/0001  00000001 00000001 00000201 00000000
00:00:23.152523 Hst:                00000004 00000008 00000201 00000007
00:00:23.152525 Gst: 0000000b/0002  00000000 00000000 00000002 00000000
00:00:23.152526 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000002 00000007
00:00:23.152527 Gst: 0000000c/0000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152529 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152530 Gst: 0000000d/0000  00000007 00000340 00000340 00000000
00:00:23.152532 Hst:                00000007 00000340 00000340 00000000
00:00:23.152533 Gst: 0000000d/0001  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152535 Hst:                00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152536 Gst: 0000000d/0002  00000100 00000240 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152538 Hst:                00000100 00000240 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152540 Gst: 0000000d/0003  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152541 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152571                                Name: GenuineIntel
00:00:23.152573                            Supports: 0x00000000-0x0000000d
00:00:23.152576                              Family:  6 	Extended: 0 	Effective: 6
00:00:23.152578                               Model: 12 	Extended: 3 	Effective: 60
00:00:23.152580                            Stepping: 3
00:00:23.152582                                Type: 0 (primary)
00:00:23.152584                             APIC ID: 0x00
00:00:23.152586                        Logical CPUs: 0
00:00:23.152587                        CLFLUSH Size: 8
00:00:23.152588                            Brand ID: 0x00
00:00:23.152590 Features
00:00:23.152591   Mnemonic - Description                                  = guest (host)
00:00:23.152592   FPU - x87 FPU on Chip                                   = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152595   VME - Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements                    = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152597   DE - Debugging extensions                               = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152599   PSE - Page Size Extension                               = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152601   TSC - Time Stamp Counter                                = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152603   MSR - Model Specific Registers                          = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152605   PAE - Physical Address Extension                        = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152607   MCE - Machine Check Exception                           = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152609   CX8 - CMPXCHG8B instruction                             = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152611   APIC - APIC On-Chip                                     = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152613   SEP - SYSENTER and SYSEXIT Present                      = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152615   MTRR - Memory Type Range Registers                      = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152616   PGE - PTE Global Bit                                    = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152618   MCA - Machine Check Architecture                        = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152620   CMOV - Conditional Move instructions                    = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152622   PAT - Page Attribute Table                              = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152624   PSE-36 - 36-bit Page Size Extension                     = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152626   PSN - Processor Serial Number                           = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152628   CLFSH - CLFLUSH instruction                             = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152630   DS - Debug Store                                        = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152632   ACPI - Thermal Mon. & Soft. Clock Ctrl.                 = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152634   MMX - Intel MMX Technology                              = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152636   FXSR - FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions                  = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152637   SSE - SSE support                                       = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152639   SSE2 - SSE2 support                                     = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152641   SS - Self Snoop                                         = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152644   HTT - Hyper-Threading Technology                        = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152645   TM - Therm. Monitor                                     = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152647   PBE - Pending Break Enabled                             = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152650   SSE3 - SSE3 support                                     = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152652   PCLMUL - PCLMULQDQ support (for AES-GCM)                = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152653   DTES64 - DS Area 64-bit Layout                          = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152655   MONITOR - MONITOR/MWAIT instructions                    = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152657   CPL-DS - CPL Qualified Debug Store                      = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152658   VMX - Virtual Machine Extensions                        = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152660   SMX - Safer Mode Extensions                             = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152662   EST - Enhanced SpeedStep Technology                     = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152664   TM2 - Terminal Monitor 2                                = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152666   SSSE3 - Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3        = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152667   CNTX-ID - L1 Context ID                                 = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152669   SDBG - Silicon Debug interface                          = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152671   FMA - Fused Multiply Add extensions                     = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152673   CX16 - CMPXCHG16B instruction                           = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152675   TPRUPDATE - xTPR Update Control                         = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152677   PDCM - Perf/Debug Capability MSR                        = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152679   PCID - Process Context Identifiers                      = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152680   DCA - Direct Cache Access                               = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152682   SSE4_1 - SSE4_1 support                                 = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152684   SSE4_2 - SSE4_2 support                                 = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152686   X2APIC - x2APIC support                                 = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152688   MOVBE - MOVBE instruction                               = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152690   POPCNT - POPCNT instruction                             = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152692   TSCDEADL - Time Stamp Counter Deadline                  = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152694   AES - AES instructions                                  = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152696   XSAVE - XSAVE instruction                               = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152698   OSXSAVE - OSXSAVE instruction                           = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152700   AVX - AVX support                                       = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152702   F16C - 16-bit floating point conversion instructions    = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152703   RDRAND - RDRAND instruction                             = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152705   HVP - Hypervisor Present (we're a guest)                = 1 (0)
00:00:23.152707 Structured Extended Feature Flags Enumeration (leaf 7):
00:00:23.152708   Mnemonic - Description                                  = guest (host)
00:00:23.152709   FSGSBASE - RDFSBASE/RDGSBASE/WRFSBASE/WRGSBASE instr.   = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152710   TSCADJUST - Supports MSR_IA32_TSC_ADJUST                = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152712   BMI1 - Advanced Bit Manipulation extension 1            = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152714   HLE - Hardware Lock Elision                             = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152716   AVX2 - Advanced Vector Extensions 2                     = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152717   SMEP - Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention             = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152719   BMI2 - Advanced Bit Manipulation extension 2            = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152720   ERMS - Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB instructions            = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152722   INVPCID - INVPCID instruction                           = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152724   RTM - Restricted Transactional Memory                   = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152725   PQM - Platform Quality of Service Monitoring            = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152727   DEPFPU_CS_DS - Deprecates FPU CS, FPU DS values if set  = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152728   MPE - Intel Memory Protection Extensions                = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152730   PQE - Platform Quality of Service Enforcement           = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152732   AVX512F - AVX512 Foundation instructions                = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152733   RDSEED - RDSEED instruction                             = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152735   ADX - ADCX/ADOX instructions                            = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152737   SMAP - Supervisor Mode Access Prevention                = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152739   CLFLUSHOPT - CLFLUSHOPT (Cache Line Flush) instruction  = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152740   INTEL_PT - Intel Processor Trace                        = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152742   AVX512PF - AVX512 Prefetch instructions                 = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152743   AVX512ER - AVX512 Exponential & Reciprocal instructions = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152745   AVX512CD - AVX512 Conflict Detection instructions       = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152746   SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm extensions                  = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152748   PREFETCHWT1 - PREFETCHWT1 instruction                   = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152750   PKU - Protection Key for Usermode pages                 = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152752   OSPKU - CR4.PKU mirror                                  = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152754 Processor Extended State Enumeration (leaf 0xd):
00:00:23.152756    XSAVE area cur/max size by XCR0, guest: 0x340/0x340
00:00:23.152757     XSAVE area cur/max size by XCR0, host: 0x340/0x340
00:00:23.152759                    Valid XCR0 bits, guest: 0x00000000`00000007 ( x87 SSE YMM_Hi128 )
00:00:23.152763                     Valid XCR0 bits, host: 0x00000000`00000007 ( x87 SSE YMM_Hi128 )
00:00:23.152766                     XSAVE features, guest:
00:00:23.152768                      XSAVE features, host: XSAVEOPT
00:00:23.152770       XSAVE area cur size XCR0|XSS, guest: 0x0
00:00:23.152771        XSAVE area cur size XCR0|XSS, host: 0x0
00:00:23.152772                Valid IA32_XSS bits, guest: 0x00000000`00000000
00:00:23.152774                 Valid IA32_XSS bits, host: 0x00000000`00000000
00:00:23.152776   State #2, guest: off=0x0240, cb=0x0100 IA32_XSS-bit -- YMM_Hi128
00:00:23.152779   State #2, host:  off=0x0240, cb=0x0100 IA32_XSS-bit -- YMM_Hi128
00:00:23.152795          Raw Hypervisor CPUID Leaves
00:00:23.152796      Leaf/sub-leaf  eax      ebx      ecx      edx
00:00:23.152797 Gst: 40000000/0000  40000001 4b4d564b 564b4d56 0000004d
00:00:23.152800 Hst:                00000007 00000340 00000340 00000000
00:00:23.152802 Gst: 40000001/0000  01000089 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152804 Hst:                00000007 00000340 00000340 00000000
00:00:23.152805          Raw Extended CPUID Leaves
00:00:23.152806      Leaf/sub-leaf  eax      ebx      ecx      edx
00:00:23.152807 Gst: 80000000/0000  80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152809 Hst:                80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152811 Gst: 80000001/0000  00000000 00000000 00000021 28100800
00:00:23.152813 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000021 2c100800
00:00:23.152815 Gst: 80000002/0000  65746e49 2952286c 726f4320 4d542865
00:00:23.152818 Hst:                65746e49 2952286c 726f4320 4d542865
00:00:23.152821 Gst: 80000003/0000  37692029 3037342d 20514830 20555043
00:00:23.152824 Hst:                37692029 3037342d 20514830 20555043
00:00:23.152827 Gst: 80000004/0000  2e322040 48473034 0000007a 00000000
00:00:23.152829 Hst:                2e322040 48473034 0000007a 00000000
00:00:23.152831 Gst: 80000005/0000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152833 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152834 Gst: 80000006/0000  00000000 00000000 01006040 00000000
00:00:23.152836 Hst:                00000000 00000000 01006040 00000000
00:00:23.152838 Gst: 80000007/0000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100
00:00:23.152840 Hst:                00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100
00:00:23.152841 Gst: 80000008/0000  00003027 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152843 Hst:                00003027 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:23.152844 Ext Name:                        
00:00:23.152846 Ext Supports:                    0x80000000-0x80000008
00:00:23.152847 Family:                          0  	Extended: 0 	Effective: 0
00:00:23.152849 Model:                           0  	Extended: 0 	Effective: 0
00:00:23.152850 Stepping:                        0
00:00:23.152851 Brand ID:                        0x000
00:00:23.152852 Ext Features
00:00:23.152853   Mnemonic - Description                                  = guest (host)
00:00:23.152854   FPU - x87 FPU on Chip                                   = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152856   VME - Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements                    = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152858   DE - Debugging extensions                               = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152860   PSE - Page Size Extension                               = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152862   TSC - Time Stamp Counter                                = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152864   MSR - K86 Model Specific Registers                      = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152865   PAE - Physical Address Extension                        = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152867   MCE - Machine Check Exception                           = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152869   CX8 - CMPXCHG8B instruction                             = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152871   APIC - APIC On-Chip                                     = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152873   SEP - SYSCALL/SYSRET                                    = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152875   MTRR - Memory Type Range Registers                      = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152877   PGE - PTE Global Bit                                    = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152879   MCA - Machine Check Architecture                        = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152880   CMOV - Conditional Move instructions                    = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152882   PAT - Page Attribute Table                              = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152884   PSE-36 - 36-bit Page Size Extension                     = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152886   NX - No-Execute/Execute-Disable                         = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152887   AXMMX - AMD Extensions to MMX instructions              = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152889   MMX - Intel MMX Technology                              = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152891   FXSR - FXSAVE and FXRSTOR Instructions                  = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152893   FFXSR - AMD fast FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions        = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152894   Page1GB - 1 GB large page                               = 0 (1)
00:00:23.152896   RDTSCP - RDTSCP instruction                             = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152898   LM - AMD64 Long Mode                                    = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152900   3DNOWEXT - AMD Extensions to 3DNow                      = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152902   3DNOW - AMD 3DNow                                       = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152904   LahfSahf - LAHF/SAHF support in 64-bit mode             = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152905   CmpLegacy - Core multi-processing legacy mode           = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152907   SVM - AMD VM extensions                                 = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152916   EXTAPIC - AMD Extended APIC registers                   = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152918   CR8L - AMD LOCK MOV CR0 means MOV CR8                   = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152920   ABM - AMD Advanced Bit Manipulation                     = 1 (1)
00:00:23.152921   SSE4A - SSE4A instructions                              = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152923   MISALIGNSSE - AMD Misaligned SSE mode                   = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152925   3DNOWPRF - AMD PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instructions      = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152926   OSVW - AMD OS Visible Workaround                        = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152928   IBS - Instruct Based Sampling                           = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152930   XOP - Extended Operation support                        = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152932   SKINIT - SKINIT, STGI, and DEV support                  = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152933   WDT - AMD Watchdog Timer support                        = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152935   LWP - Lightweight Profiling support                     = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152937   FMA4 - Four operand FMA instruction support             = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152939   NodeId - NodeId in MSR C001_100C                        = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152940   TBM - Trailing Bit Manipulation instructions            = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152942   TOPOEXT - Topology Extensions                           = 0 (0)
00:00:23.152944 Full Name:                       "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz"
00:00:23.152946 TLB 2/4M Instr/Uni:              res0     0 entries
00:00:23.152947 TLB 2/4M Data:                   res0     0 entries
00:00:23.152948 TLB 4K Instr/Uni:                res0     0 entries
00:00:23.152949 TLB 4K Data:                     res0     0 entries
00:00:23.152951 L1 Instr Cache Line Size:        0 bytes
00:00:23.152952 L1 Instr Cache Lines Per Tag:    0
00:00:23.152954 L1 Instr Cache Associativity:    res0  
00:00:23.152955 L1 Instr Cache Size:             0 KB
00:00:23.152956 L1 Data Cache Line Size:         0 bytes
00:00:23.152957 L1 Data Cache Lines Per Tag:     0
00:00:23.152958 L1 Data Cache Associativity:     res0  
00:00:23.152960 L1 Data Cache Size:              0 KB
00:00:23.152961 L2 TLB 2/4M Instr/Uni:           off       0 entries
00:00:23.152963 L2 TLB 2/4M Data:                off       0 entries
00:00:23.152965 L2 TLB 4K Instr/Uni:             off       0 entries
00:00:23.152966 L2 TLB 4K Data:                  off       0 entries
00:00:23.152966 L2 Cache Line Size:              0 bytes
00:00:23.152966 L2 Cache Lines Per Tag:          0
00:00:23.152966 L2 Cache Associativity:          off   
00:00:23.152966 L2 Cache Size:                   0 KB
00:00:23.152966 APM Features:                    TscInvariant
00:00:23.152966 Host Invariant-TSC support:      true 
00:00:23.152966 Physical Address Width:          39 bits
00:00:23.152966 Virtual Address Width:           48 bits
00:00:23.152966 Guest Physical Address Width:    0 bits
00:00:23.152966 Physical Core Count:             0
00:00:23.152966 ******************** End of CPUID dump **********************
00:00:23.157370 VMEmt: Halt method global1 (5)
00:00:23.157424 VMEmt: HaltedGlobal1 config: cNsSpinBlockThresholdCfg=2000
00:00:23.157465 Changing the VM state from 'CREATING' to 'CREATED'
00:00:23.160279 Changing the VM state from 'CREATED' to 'POWERING_ON'
00:00:23.160359 AIOMgr: Endpoints without assigned bandwidth groups:
00:00:23.160395 AIOMgr:     /media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Tails.vdi
00:00:23.160556 Changing the VM state from 'POWERING_ON' to 'RUNNING'
00:00:23.160593 Console: Machine state changed to 'Running'
00:00:23.164758 VMMDev: Guest Log: BIOS: VirtualBox 5.0.14
00:00:23.167757 PIT: mode=2 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:23.178081 ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80bb0005) aIID={7303a66d-433b-25a4-f9a8-fcadf87e0c2a} aComponent={DisplayWrap} aText={Could not take a screenshot (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)}, preserve=false aResultDetail=0
00:00:23.180385 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=0000000000000000 w=720 h=400 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0 flags=0x1
00:00:23.180581 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=720x400, Sending to async-handler
00:00:23.180686 GUI: UIMachineView::sltHandleNotifyChange: Screen=0, Size=720x400
00:00:23.180727 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::handleNotifyChange: Size=720x400
00:00:23.180758 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::performResize: Size=720x400, Directly using source bitmap content
00:00:23.182226 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0x00 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0x00 (-1 usec ago)
00:00:23.182325 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: finished processing RESET
00:00:23.188192 AHCI#0: Reset the HBA
00:00:23.188308 AHCI#0: Port 0 reset
00:00:23.188777 VMMDev: Guest Log: BIOS: AHCI 0-P#0: PCHS=16383/16/63 LCHS=1024/255/63 0x0000000001e00000 sectors
00:00:23.189418 PIT: mode=2 count=0x48d3 (18643) - 64.00 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:23.202035 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=00007f5753400000 w=640 h=480 bpp=32 cbLine=0xA00 flags=0x1
00:00:23.202233 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=640x480, Sending to async-handler
00:00:23.202339 GUI: UIMachineView::sltHandleNotifyChange: Screen=0, Size=640x480
00:00:23.202417 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::handleNotifyChange: Size=640x480
00:00:23.202665 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::performResize: Size=640x480, Directly using source bitmap content
00:00:23.397007 GUI: UIMachineViewNormal::resendSizeHint: Restoring guest size-hint for screen 0 to 800x600
00:00:23.397187 VMMDev: SetVideoModeHint: Got a video mode hint (800x600x32)@(0x0),(1;0) at 0
00:00:23.398695 GUI: 2D video acceleration is disabled
00:00:23.398727 GUI: HID LEDs sync is not supported on this platform
00:00:23.398760 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:00:25.659638 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=00007f5753400000 w=640 h=480 bpp=0 cbLine=0x280 flags=0x1
00:00:25.660072 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=640x480, Sending to async-handler
00:00:25.660473 GUI: UIMachineView::sltHandleNotifyChange: Screen=0, Size=640x480
00:00:25.660747 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::handleNotifyChange: Size=640x480
00:00:25.661103 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::performResize: Size=640x480, Directly using source bitmap content
00:00:25.674277 PIT: mode=2 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:25.674724 VMMDev: Guest Log: BIOS: Boot : bseqnr=1, bootseq=0231
00:00:25.674949 VMMDev: Guest Log: BIOS: Boot from Floppy 0 failed
00:00:25.675345 VMMDev: Guest Log: BIOS: Boot : bseqnr=2, bootseq=0023
00:00:25.675929 VMMDev: Guest Log: BIOS: Booting from CD-ROM...
00:00:25.685614 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=0000000000000000 w=720 h=400 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0 flags=0x1
00:00:25.685785 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=720x400, Sending to async-handler
00:00:25.685890 GUI: UIMachineView::sltHandleNotifyChange: Screen=0, Size=720x400
00:00:25.685968 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::handleNotifyChange: Size=720x400
00:00:25.686049 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::performResize: Size=720x400, Directly using source bitmap content
00:00:25.729251 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=00007f5753400000 w=640 h=480 bpp=24 cbLine=0x780 flags=0x1
00:00:25.729378 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=640x480, Sending to async-handler
00:00:25.729460 GUI: UIMachineView::sltHandleNotifyChange: Screen=0, Size=640x480
00:00:25.729493 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::handleNotifyChange: Size=640x480
00:00:25.729615 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::performResize: Size=640x480, Directly using source bitmap content
00:00:29.953808 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=0000000000000000 w=720 h=400 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0 flags=0x1
00:00:29.954027 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=720x400, Sending to async-handler
00:00:29.954257 GUI: UIMachineView::sltHandleNotifyChange: Screen=0, Size=720x400
00:00:29.954374 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::handleNotifyChange: Size=720x400
00:00:29.954415 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::performResize: Size=720x400, Directly using source bitmap content
00:00:29.955114 VMMDev: Guest Log: BIOS: KBD: unsupported int 16h function 03
00:00:29.955373 VMMDev: Guest Log: BIOS: AX=0305 BX=0000 CX=0000 DX=0000 
00:00:29.964912 VM: Raising runtime error 'DrvVD_DEKMISSING' (fFlags=0x6)
00:00:29.964975 AHCI#0P0: Read at offset 0 (512 bytes left) returned rc=VERR_VD_DEK_MISSING
00:00:29.965019 Changing the VM state from 'RUNNING' to 'SUSPENDING'
00:00:29.965224 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event received, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:00:29.965268 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Old usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907
00:00:29.965857 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  New usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:00:29.965890 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Items currently in usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:00:29.965967 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event processed, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:00:29.966875 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file '/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Tails.vdi' (flags 000c0781) created successfully
00:00:29.968653 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished!
00:00:29.968734 PDMR3Suspend: 3 634 020 ns run time
00:00:29.968774 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDING' to 'SUSPENDED'
00:00:29.968808 Console: Machine state changed to 'Paused'
00:00:29.969029 Console: VM runtime error: fatal=false, errorID=DrvVD_DEKMISSING message="VD: The DEK for this disk is missing"
00:00:35.537608 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDED' to 'RESUMING'
00:00:35.537878 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file '/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Tails.vdi' (flags 000c0723) created successfully
00:00:35.538079 Changing the VM state from 'RESUMING' to 'RUNNING'
00:00:35.538117 Console: Machine state changed to 'Running'
00:00:35.540533 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=81
00:00:35.540832 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=81
00:00:35.541360 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=82
00:00:35.541854 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=82
00:00:35.542306 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=83
00:00:35.542734 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=83
00:00:35.543195 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=84
00:00:35.543600 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=84
00:00:35.544111 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=85
00:00:35.544568 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=85
00:00:35.545070 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=86
00:00:35.545530 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=86
00:00:35.546002 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=87
00:00:35.546460 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=87
00:00:35.546909 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=88
00:00:35.547349 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=88
00:00:35.547848 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=89
00:00:35.548276 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=89
00:00:35.548824 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=8a
00:00:35.549347 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=8a
00:00:35.549844 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=8b
00:00:35.550295 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=8b
00:00:35.550746 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=8c
00:00:35.551212 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=8c
00:00:35.551721 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=8d
00:00:35.552171 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=8d
00:00:35.552629 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=8e
00:00:35.553141 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=8e
00:00:35.553695 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk_ext: function 41, unmapped device for ELDL=8f
00:00:35.554667 VMMDev: Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=8f
00:00:35.876255 GIM: KVM: VCPU  0: Enabled system-time struct. at 0x000000011ffef000 - u32TscScale=0xd5d3ce08 i8TscShift=-1 uVersion=2 fFlags=0x1 uTsc=0x3fc66d6f7 uVirtNanoTS=0x1a9f1bf0f
00:00:35.876350 TM: Switching TSC mode from 'Dynamic' to 'RealTscOffset'
00:00:35.947787 GIM: KVM: Enabled wall-clock struct. at 0x0000000001a60ae8 - u32Sec=1456259896 u32Nano=188095428 uVersion=2
00:00:35.958903 PIT: mode=2 count=0x12a5 (4773) - 249.98 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:36.098303 PIT: mode=0 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:36.201947 OHCI: Software reset
00:00:37.409247 EHCI: Hardware reset
00:00:37.409433 EHCI: USB Operational
00:00:37.431137 AHCI#0: Reset the HBA
00:00:37.431535 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0x00 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0x00 (-1 usec ago)
00:00:37.431658 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET
00:00:37.431947 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0xa0 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0x00 (-1 usec ago)
00:00:37.432042 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: finished processing RESET
00:00:37.432590 OHCI: USB Reset
00:00:37.432785 AHCI#0: Port 0 reset
00:00:37.487592 OHCI: Software reset
00:00:37.488329 OHCI: USB Operational
00:00:37.520384 EHCI: USB Suspended
00:00:55.389107 AC97: Reset
00:00:55.389430 AC97: Reset
00:00:55.456184 VMMDev: Guest Additions information report: Version 4.3.36 r105129 '4.3.36_Debian'
00:00:55.456298 VMMDev: Guest Additions information report: Interface = 0x00010004 osType = 0x00053100 (Linux >= 2.6, 64-bit)
00:00:55.456428 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:00:55.456521 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:00:55.456696 VMMDev: Guest reported fixed hypervisor window at 00001000000 LB 0x2400000 (rc=VINF_SUCCESS)
00:00:55.456796 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:00:55.456888 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state really changed, notifying listeners.
00:00:55.456999 GUI: UIMachineViewNormal::adjustGuestScreenSize: Adjust guest-screen size if necessary.
00:00:55.457022 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:00:55.457039 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:00:55.457061 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:00:55.457077 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:00:55.457681 VMMDev: Guest Log: vboxguest: misc device minor 59, IRQ 20, I/O port d020, MMIO at 00000000f0400000 (size 0x400000)
00:01:10.604929 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:01:10.605082 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:01:10.605112 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:01:11.546956 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state really changed, notifying listeners.
00:01:11.547071 GUI: UIMachineViewNormal::adjustGuestScreenSize: Adjust guest-screen size if necessary.
00:01:11.547102 GUI: UIMachineView::sltPerformGuestResize: Sending guest size-hint to screen 0 as 1920x972
00:01:11.547152 VMMDev: SetVideoModeHint: Got a video mode hint (1920x972x0)@(0x0),(1;0) at 0
00:01:11.547182 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:01:11.547200 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:01:11.553039 VBVA: InfoScreen: [0] @0,0 800x600, line 0x1fff8, BPP 32, flags 0x1
00:01:12.210467 VBVA: InfoScreen: [0] @0,0 800x600, line 0xc80, BPP 32, flags 0x1
00:01:12.210543 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=00007f5753400000 w=800 h=600 bpp=32 cbLine=0xC80 flags=0x1
00:01:12.210595 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=800x600, Sending to async-handler
00:01:12.210678 GUI: UIMachineView::sltHandleNotifyChange: Screen=0, Size=800x600
00:01:12.210715 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::handleNotifyChange: Size=800x600
00:01:12.210748 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::performResize: Size=800x600, Directly using source bitmap content
00:01:12.210884 GUI: UIMachineView::storeGuestSizeHint: Storing guest-screen size-hint for screen 0 as 800x600
00:01:12.221397 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event received, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:01:12.221464 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Old usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:01:12.222314 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  New usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:01:12.222361 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Items currently in usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:01:12.222445 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event processed, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:01:12.225084 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished!
00:01:12.281047 VBVA: InfoScreen: [0] @0,0 800x600, line 0xc80, BPP 32, flags 0x1
00:01:12.282865 VBVA: InfoScreen: [0] @0,0 1920x972, line 0x1e00, BPP 32, flags 0x1
00:01:12.282940 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=00007f5753400000 w=1920 h=972 bpp=32 cbLine=0x1E00 flags=0x1
00:01:12.282995 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=1920x972, Sending to async-handler
00:01:12.283089 GUI: UIMachineView::sltHandleNotifyChange: Screen=0, Size=1920x972
00:01:12.283196 VBVA: InfoScreen: [0] @0,0 1920x972, line 0x1e00, BPP 32, flags 0x1
00:01:12.283271 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::handleNotifyChange: Size=1920x972
00:01:12.283435 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::performResize: Size=1920x972, Directly using source bitmap content
00:01:12.283699 GUI: UIMachineView::storeGuestSizeHint: Storing guest-screen size-hint for screen 0 as 1920x972
00:01:12.295717 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event received, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:01:12.295847 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Old usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:01:12.296777 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  New usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:01:12.296836 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Items currently in usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:01:12.296897 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event processed, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:01:12.300843 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished!
00:02:24.552514 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:24.552690 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:24.552849 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:24.557460 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:24.557568 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:24.557694 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:24.561788 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:24.561902 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:24.561955 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:26.090762 VBVA: InfoScreen: [0] @0,0 1920x972, line 0x1e00, BPP 32, flags 0x1
00:02:27.588012 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:27.588199 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:27.588363 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:29.601626 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:29.601816 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:29.601866 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:29.972156 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:29.972348 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:29.972398 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:29.989996 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:29.990191 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:29.990241 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:32.740619 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:32.740791 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:32.741012 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:34.624068 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:34.624252 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:34.624409 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:35.019640 NAT: Link up
00:02:35.107806 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:35.108007 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:35.108133 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:35.356238 NAT: DNS server registration detected, switching to the DNS proxy
00:02:35.356421 NAT: DNS#0:
00:02:35.356555 NAT: DHCP offered IP address
00:02:35.357238 NAT: DHCP offered IP address
00:02:35.621854 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:35.622012 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:35.622076 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:37.287689 VBVA: InfoScreen: [0] @0,0 1920x972, line 0x1e00, BPP 32, flags 0x1
00:02:37.756122 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:37.756315 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:37.756481 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:39.690020 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:39.690211 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:39.690369 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:40.124143 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:40.124329 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:40.124487 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:40.665090 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:40.665275 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:40.665477 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:42.759209 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:42.759447 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:42.759526 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:44.692296 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:44.692842 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:44.693195 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:45.140500 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:45.140780 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:45.140955 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:45.671683 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:45.671908 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:45.672041 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:47.763917 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:47.764407 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:47.764656 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:49.695106 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:49.695634 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:49.695834 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:50.157315 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:50.157719 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:50.157780 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:50.687274 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:50.687455 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:50.687491 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:52.766902 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:52.767258 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:52.767468 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:54.499324 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:54.499560 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:54.499663 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:54.696529 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:54.696787 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:54.696988 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:55.170576 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:55.170863 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:55.170968 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:55.693176 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:55.693427 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:55.693586 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:57.769304 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:57.769538 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:57.769607 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:02:59.697691 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:02:59.697945 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:02:59.697998 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:00.189804 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:00.190030 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:00.190074 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:00.707634 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:00.707848 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:00.707881 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:02.771541 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:02.771732 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:02.771758 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:04.698602 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:04.698899 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:04.699001 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:05.210224 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:05.210481 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:05.210587 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:05.713815 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:05.714046 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:05.714108 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:07.775795 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:07.776289 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:07.776551 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:09.700673 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:09.701215 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:09.701458 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:10.223697 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:10.223845 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:10.223959 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:10.728720 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:10.728991 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:10.729130 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:12.780097 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:12.780457 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:12.780661 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:14.703145 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:14.703639 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:14.703904 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:15.249034 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:15.249327 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:15.249392 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:15.743491 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:15.743720 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:15.743787 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:17.785117 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:17.785661 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:17.785928 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:19.705243 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:19.705985 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:19.706168 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:20.271378 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:20.271673 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:20.271734 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:20.759663 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:20.759831 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:20.759865 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:22.793505 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:22.793725 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:22.793786 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:24.707790 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:24.708206 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:24.708480 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:25.287327 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:25.287603 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:25.287718 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:25.873300 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:25.873547 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:25.873592 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:27.798315 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:27.798859 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:27.799061 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:29.509778 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:29.510040 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:29.510084 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:29.710260 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:29.710766 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:29.710946 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:30.298746 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:30.299000 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:30.299158 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:30.885688 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:30.885930 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:30.886008 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:32.807813 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:32.807954 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:32.808011 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:34.711357 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:34.711474 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:34.711568 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:35.374164 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:35.374296 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:35.374380 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:35.908364 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:35.908595 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:35.908770 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:37.813602 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:37.814110 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:37.814377 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:39.713529 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:39.714086 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:39.714352 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:40.400003 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:40.400323 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:40.400434 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:40.920354 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:40.920574 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:40.920687 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:42.825966 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:42.826169 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:42.826271 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:44.723114 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:44.723305 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:44.723361 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:45.410895 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:45.411069 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:45.411152 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:45.935640 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:45.935865 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:45.935934 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:47.831002 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:47.831545 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:47.831988 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:49.724075 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:49.724272 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:49.724333 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:50.430573 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:50.431354 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:50.431484 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:50.974948 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:50.975165 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:50.975197 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:52.836951 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:52.837140 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:52.837281 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:54.730098 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:54.730294 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:54.730423 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:55.577595 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:55.577789 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:55.577947 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:56.012418 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:56.012588 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:56.012662 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:57.882430 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:57.882579 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:57.882718 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:03:59.745389 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:03:59.745571 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:03:59.745695 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:00.592731 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:00.592905 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:00.593009 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:01.056467 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:01.056650 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:01.056723 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:02.903367 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:02.903561 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:02.903787 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:04.519932 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:04.520099 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:04.520156 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:04.755203 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:04.755364 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:04.755442 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:05.625292 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:05.625461 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:05.625523 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:06.089513 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:06.089720 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:06.089829 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:07.910771 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:07.911043 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:07.911205 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:09.765364 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:09.765625 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:09.765746 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:10.650625 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:10.650816 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:10.650922 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:11.122730 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:11.122895 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:11.123002 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:12.919673 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:12.919827 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:12.919890 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:14.774018 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:14.774214 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:14.774416 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:15.688693 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:15.688885 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:15.689050 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:16.151623 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:16.151806 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:16.151971 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:17.935582 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:17.935729 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:17.935797 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:19.778988 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:19.779127 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:19.779242 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:20.705412 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:20.705585 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:20.705742 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:21.189141 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:21.189285 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:21.189318 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:22.946991 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:22.947172 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:22.947286 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:24.783024 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:24.783220 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:24.783378 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:25.728412 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:25.728601 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:25.728714 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:26.240278 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:26.240443 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:26.240582 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:27.959126 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:27.959306 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:27.959408 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:29.800022 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:29.800221 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:29.800373 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:30.739211 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:30.739374 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:30.739511 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:31.279025 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:31.279223 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:31.279388 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:32.968710 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:32.968887 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:32.969051 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:34.817521 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:34.817691 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:34.817850 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:35.749855 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:35.750048 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:35.750208 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:36.308509 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:36.308713 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:36.308812 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:37.991716 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:37.991910 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:37.992075 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:39.527686 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:39.527889 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:39.528029 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:39.825480 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:39.825680 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:39.825839 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:40.772000 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:40.772133 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:40.772184 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:41.351394 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:41.351556 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:41.351634 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:43.000646 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:43.000843 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:43.000888 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:44.833047 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:44.833255 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:44.833449 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:45.785969 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:45.786165 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:45.786280 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:46.391347 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:46.391578 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:46.391742 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:48.020310 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:48.020479 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:48.020619 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:49.845406 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:49.845600 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:49.845766 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:50.810498 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:50.810663 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:50.810727 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:51.430279 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:51.430476 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:51.430640 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:53.030721 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:53.030868 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:53.030931 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:54.849905 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:54.850073 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:54.850170 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:55.830973 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:55.831141 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:55.831299 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:56.461649 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:56.461837 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:56.462002 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:58.045017 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:58.045177 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:58.045334 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:04:59.860107 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:04:59.860303 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:04:59.860353 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:00.855535 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:00.855715 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:00.855837 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:01.492641 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:01.492848 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:01.492991 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:03.046642 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:03.046862 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:03.046976 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:04.862323 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:04.862876 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:04.863151 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:05.877481 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:05.877701 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:05.877792 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:06.508780 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:06.509018 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:06.509133 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:08.050602 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:08.051014 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:08.051153 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:09.863554 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:09.863767 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:09.863823 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:10.891861 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:10.892341 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:10.892515 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:11.518071 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:11.518335 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:11.518379 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:13.058134 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:13.058385 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:13.058430 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:14.540156 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:14.540676 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:14.540989 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:14.864460 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:14.864717 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:14.864891 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:15.909683 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:15.909854 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:15.909919 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:16.546867 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:16.547179 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:16.547343 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:18.070224 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:18.070471 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:18.070635 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:19.879581 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:19.879850 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:19.880009 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:20.924846 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:20.925037 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:20.925084 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:21.569085 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:21.569346 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:21.569432 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:23.075886 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:23.076153 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:23.076279 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:24.881164 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:24.881429 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:24.881474 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:25.942059 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:25.942262 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:25.942320 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:26.580522 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:26.580773 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:26.580952 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:28.077549 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:28.077803 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:28.077864 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:29.883430 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:29.883970 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:29.884248 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:30.969357 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:30.969516 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:30.969604 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:31.589809 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:31.589972 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:31.590035 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:33.081558 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:33.081762 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:33.081860 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:34.885219 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:34.885471 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:34.885575 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:35.985298 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:35.985462 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:35.985528 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:36.596027 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:36.596246 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:36.596404 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:38.097738 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:38.098091 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:38.098291 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:39.886501 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:39.886757 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:39.886944 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:41.007348 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:41.007570 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:41.007674 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:41.604398 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:41.604597 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:41.604655 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:43.103647 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:43.103950 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:43.104051 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:44.887463 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:44.887725 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:44.887888 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:46.029778 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:46.030083 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:46.030343 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:46.629948 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:46.630185 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:46.630286 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:48.116773 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:48.116928 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:48.117078 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:49.551320 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:49.551822 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:49.552094 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:49.890079 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:49.890621 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:49.890888 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:51.050528 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:51.050733 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:51.050900 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:51.635682 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:51.635933 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:51.636097 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:53.130301 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:53.130525 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:53.130602 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:54.891498 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:54.891720 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:54.891793 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:56.060219 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:56.060528 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:56.060577 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:56.641628 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:56.641854 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:56.641898 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:58.131977 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:58.132234 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:58.132421 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:05:59.893881 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:05:59.894297 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:05:59.894698 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:01.079864 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:01.080077 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:01.080135 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:01.647539 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:01.647802 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:01.647942 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:03.137014 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:03.137500 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:03.137775 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:04.896575 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:04.897177 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:04.897456 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:06.091709 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:06.092008 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:06.092113 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:06.681242 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:06.681486 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:06.681651 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:08.141833 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:08.142187 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:08.142371 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:09.899486 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:09.900035 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:09.900302 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:11.109280 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:11.109505 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:11.109584 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:11.698757 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:11.699019 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:11.699171 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:13.261703 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:13.261890 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:13.261951 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:14.902559 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:14.903106 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:14.903373 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:16.130463 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:16.130664 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:16.130769 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:16.704748 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:16.705009 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:16.705170 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:18.263745 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:18.264016 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:18.264211 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:19.905046 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:19.905595 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:19.905813 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:21.140222 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:21.140378 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:21.140437 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:21.719521 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:21.719841 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:21.719999 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:23.269037 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:23.269596 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:23.269875 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:24.561570 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:24.562119 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:24.562387 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:24.907807 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:24.908368 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:24.908638 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:26.157299 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:26.157600 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:26.157706 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:26.744493 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:26.744671 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:26.744756 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:28.294406 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:28.294567 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:28.294732 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:29.910578 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:29.911093 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:29.911293 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:31.175875 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:31.176165 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:31.176270 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:31.762709 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:31.762931 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:31.763089 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:33.298964 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:33.299392 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:33.299571 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:34.911951 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:34.912207 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:34.912259 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:36.200371 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:36.200694 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:36.200853 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:36.777787 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:36.777993 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:36.778107 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:38.310596 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:38.310820 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:38.310950 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:39.914276 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:39.914829 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:39.915096 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:41.223375 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:41.223668 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:41.223729 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:41.790456 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:41.790807 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:41.790970 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:43.312801 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:43.313161 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:43.313341 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:44.918055 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:44.918461 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:44.918570 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:46.239377 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:46.239533 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:46.239581 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:46.800839 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:46.801115 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:46.801160 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:48.330691 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:48.330937 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:48.330996 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:49.919207 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:49.919456 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:49.919579 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:51.256847 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:51.257222 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:51.257285 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:51.813489 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:51.813743 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:51.813900 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:53.335627 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:53.336011 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:53.336195 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:54.921546 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:54.922088 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:54.922295 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:56.277299 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:56.277477 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:56.277545 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:56.844739 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:56.844968 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:56.845069 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:58.342691 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:58.342952 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:58.343025 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:59.565265 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:59.565467 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:59.565626 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:06:59.935528 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:06:59.935722 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:06:59.935836 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:01.293137 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:01.293391 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:01.293477 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:01.852238 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:01.852570 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:01.852685 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:03.346002 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:03.346305 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:03.346454 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:04.936356 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:04.936553 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:04.936610 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:06.320338 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:06.320641 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:06.320808 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:06.864345 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:06.864591 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:06.864756 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:08.347917 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:08.348260 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:08.348372 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:09.940224 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:09.940511 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:09.940681 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:11.332746 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:11.333230 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:11.333474 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:11.879435 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:11.879719 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:11.879876 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:13.350011 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:13.350373 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:13.350471 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:14.941406 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:14.941675 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:14.941851 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:16.350363 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:16.350575 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:16.350687 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:16.895278 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:16.895533 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:16.895690 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:18.352051 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:18.352395 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:18.352620 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:19.942489 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:19.942748 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:19.942909 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:21.362432 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:21.362754 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:21.362804 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:21.901525 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:21.901775 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:21.901821 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:23.353802 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:23.354058 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:23.354193 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:24.944782 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:24.945346 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:24.945523 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:26.373866 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:26.374096 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:26.374204 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:26.907708 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:26.907972 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:26.908130 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:28.355823 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:28.356195 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:28.356238 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:29.946218 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:29.946472 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:29.946647 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:31.387729 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:31.388230 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:31.388450 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:31.914133 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:31.914394 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:31.914492 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:33.358068 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:33.358263 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:33.358367 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:34.567141 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:34.567398 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:34.567562 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:34.953380 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:34.953586 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:34.953691 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:36.405337 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:36.405640 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:36.405750 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:36.933999 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:36.934244 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:36.934383 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:38.361866 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:38.362384 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:38.362650 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:39.954602 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:39.954872 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:39.955047 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:41.420448 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:41.420737 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:41.420792 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:41.940331 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:41.940536 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:41.940632 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:43.366968 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:43.367504 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:43.367772 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:44.956816 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:44.957392 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:44.957657 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:46.440018 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:46.440239 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:46.440273 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:46.946245 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:46.946487 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:46.946643 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:48.369087 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:48.369349 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:48.369441 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:49.959309 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:49.959853 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:49.960122 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:51.451891 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:51.452209 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:51.452314 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:51.959932 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:51.960189 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:51.960351 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:53.370926 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:53.371177 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:53.371354 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:54.962011 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:54.962568 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:54.962830 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:56.467479 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:56.467766 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:56.467928 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:56.974100 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:56.974320 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:56.974577 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:58.372487 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:58.372600 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:58.372641 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:07:59.964723 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:07:59.965086 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:07:59.965195 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:01.479314 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:01.479539 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:01.479662 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:01.980585 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:01.980847 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:01.981003 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:03.385688 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:03.385891 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:03.386003 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:04.965890 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:04.966149 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:04.966343 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:06.500318 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:06.500603 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:06.500656 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:06.996047 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:06.996263 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:06.996421 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:08.391479 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:08.391644 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:08.391759 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:09.568882 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:09.569137 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:09.569240 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:09.967292 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:09.967551 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:09.967697 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:11.519873 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:11.520173 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:11.520283 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:12.002237 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:12.002433 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:12.002573 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:13.396588 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:13.397195 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:13.397458 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:14.970039 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:14.970587 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:14.970854 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:16.535325 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:16.535516 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:16.535572 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:17.053999 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:17.054313 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:17.054477 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:18.401799 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:18.402299 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:18.402554 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:19.973655 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:19.974154 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:19.974366 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:21.552407 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:21.552668 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:21.552788 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:22.068398 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:22.068633 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:22.068791 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:23.414539 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:23.414716 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:23.414748 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:24.975493 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:24.975755 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:24.975921 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:26.572183 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:26.572486 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:26.572535 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:27.098806 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:27.099164 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:27.099202 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:28.416143 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:28.416375 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:28.416512 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:29.976394 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:29.976542 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:29.976655 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:31.600279 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:31.600641 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:31.600835 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:32.133983 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:32.134248 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:32.134406 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:33.427750 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:33.427997 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:33.428041 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:34.989439 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:34.989683 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:34.989726 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:36.623187 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:36.623409 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:36.623569 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:37.179866 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:37.180063 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:37.180222 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:38.437939 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:38.438171 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:38.438301 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:39.999988 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:40.000248 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:40.000419 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:41.635371 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:41.635627 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:41.635787 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:42.223708 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:42.223990 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:42.224044 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:43.439735 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:43.439961 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:43.440132 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:44.572875 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:44.573487 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:44.573754 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:45.002408 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:45.002964 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:45.003229 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:46.647516 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:46.647712 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:46.647813 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:47.233746 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:47.233874 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:47.233917 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:48.453955 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:48.454107 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:48.454184 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:50.004312 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:50.004718 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:50.004828 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:51.658846 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:51.659152 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:51.659280 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:52.246079 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:52.246301 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:52.246459 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:53.461233 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:53.461500 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:53.461660 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:55.006363 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:55.006575 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:55.006632 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:56.674955 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:56.675324 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:56.675482 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:57.282800 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:57.283058 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:57.283196 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:08:58.474827 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:08:58.475097 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:08:58.475262 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:00.013703 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:00.013950 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:00.014114 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:01.691730 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:01.691945 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:01.692103 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:02.304248 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:02.304508 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:02.304673 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:03.483211 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:03.483466 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:03.483626 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:05.019254 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:05.019718 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:05.019929 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:06.717329 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:06.717629 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:06.717734 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:07.322091 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:07.322361 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:07.322422 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:08.484774 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:08.485043 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:08.485113 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:10.035272 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:10.035590 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:10.035654 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:11.733523 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:11.733924 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:11.733983 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:12.328589 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:12.328833 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:12.329009 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:13.489482 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:13.490045 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:13.490315 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:15.038145 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:15.038664 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:15.038933 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:16.760392 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:16.760704 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:16.760749 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:17.351115 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:17.351403 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:17.351454 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:18.491656 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:18.491912 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:18.491974 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:19.575266 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:19.575522 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:19.575579 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:20.040698 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:20.041225 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:20.041433 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:21.776680 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:21.776898 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:21.777008 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:22.357112 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:22.357275 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:22.357337 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:23.493373 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:23.493587 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:23.493706 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:25.043343 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:25.043952 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:25.044087 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:26.783110 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:26.783351 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:26.783537 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:27.381808 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:27.382065 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:27.382222 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:28.494834 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:28.495001 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:28.495158 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:30.059823 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:30.060163 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:30.060307 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:31.804179 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:31.804381 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:31.804537 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:32.388951 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:32.389181 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:32.389282 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:33.513773 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:33.514001 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:33.514083 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:35.066298 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:35.066617 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:35.066742 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:36.820348 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:36.820537 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:36.820607 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:37.401171 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:37.401330 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:37.401394 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:38.515704 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:38.515957 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:38.516132 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:40.068551 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:40.069147 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:40.069484 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:41.840503 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:41.840776 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:41.840940 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:42.407449 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:42.407679 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:42.407739 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:43.523892 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:43.524065 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:43.524097 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:45.071237 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:45.071775 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:45.072050 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:46.851530 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:46.851799 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:46.851956 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:47.413901 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:47.414136 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:47.414293 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:48.529211 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:48.529752 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:48.529958 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:50.072469 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:50.072584 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:50.072622 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:51.863097 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:51.863422 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:51.863528 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:52.419901 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:52.420131 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:52.420190 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:53.535607 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:53.535885 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:53.535994 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:54.577334 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:54.577482 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:54.577572 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:55.083861 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:55.084106 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:55.084245 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:56.889392 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:56.889672 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:56.889779 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:57.426075 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:57.426340 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:57.426498 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:09:58.537266 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:09:58.537386 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:09:58.537423 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:00.086217 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:00.086738 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:00.086937 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:01.909203 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:01.909422 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:01.909454 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:02.432627 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:02.432917 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:02.433043 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:03.538902 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:03.539058 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:03.539171 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:05.088772 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:05.089357 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:05.089624 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:06.926098 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:06.926348 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:06.926469 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:07.445973 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:07.446389 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:07.446581 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:08.543791 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:08.544255 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:08.544667 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:10.090594 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:10.091095 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:10.091235 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:11.950003 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:11.950268 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:11.950353 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:12.456276 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:12.456532 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:12.456690 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:13.545630 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:13.545838 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:13.545899 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:15.095816 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:15.096419 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:15.096672 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:16.971094 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:16.971367 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:16.971472 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:17.477033 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:17.477298 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:17.477466 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:18.552395 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:18.552769 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:18.552980 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:20.098673 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:20.099136 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:20.099343 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:21.989652 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:21.989829 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:21.989916 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:22.516363 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:22.516525 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:22.516597 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:23.565549 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:23.565893 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:23.565956 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:25.099937 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:25.100191 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:25.100386 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:27.009802 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:27.010122 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:27.010286 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:27.522637 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:27.522881 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:27.523045 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:28.570518 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:28.571065 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:28.571333 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:29.585631 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:29.585889 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:29.586053 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:30.100778 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:30.101026 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:30.101117 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:32.025412 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:32.025610 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:32.025687 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:32.528881 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:32.529115 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:32.529177 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:33.585615 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:33.585802 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:33.585862 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:35.102078 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:35.102336 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:35.102531 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:37.043201 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:37.043455 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:37.043574 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:37.540049 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:37.540372 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:37.540509 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:38.587531 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:38.587790 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:38.587912 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:40.104871 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:40.105341 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:40.105623 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:42.057243 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:42.057559 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:42.057617 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:42.548859 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:42.549135 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:42.549232 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:43.592422 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:43.592692 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:43.592830 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:45.107462 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:45.108011 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:45.108278 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:47.070556 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:47.070734 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:47.070846 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:47.572219 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:47.572445 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:47.572545 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:48.594274 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:48.594532 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:48.594693 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:50.108983 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:50.109535 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:50.109805 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:52.083410 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:52.083604 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:52.083663 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:52.578229 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:52.578489 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:52.578592 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:53.599515 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:53.600028 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:53.600296 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:55.110750 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:55.110993 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:55.111052 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:57.096160 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:57.096442 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:57.096607 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:57.588674 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:57.588947 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:57.589103 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:10:58.603710 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:10:58.604157 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:10:58.604315 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:00.111580 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:00.111776 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:00.111887 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:02.101526 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:02.101754 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:02.101882 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:02.614078 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:02.614339 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:02.614498 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:03.609138 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:03.609391 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:03.609598 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:04.587429 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:04.587712 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:04.587870 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:05.112962 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:05.113218 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:05.113375 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:07.108109 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:07.108332 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:07.108503 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:07.630979 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:07.631336 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:07.631495 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:08.614855 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:08.615144 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:08.615282 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:10.115472 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:10.116032 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:10.116299 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:12.123832 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:12.124149 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:12.124210 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:12.637509 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:12.637751 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:12.637809 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:13.616713 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:13.616928 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:13.617043 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:15.117045 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:15.117217 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:15.117420 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:17.143398 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:17.143677 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:17.143725 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:17.643406 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:17.643636 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:17.643794 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:18.622244 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:18.622799 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:18.623069 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:20.119951 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:20.120205 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:20.120370 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:22.159399 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:22.159578 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:22.159611 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:22.656710 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:22.657060 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:22.657219 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:23.624384 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:23.624619 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:23.624708 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:25.122113 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:25.122663 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:25.122938 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:27.176527 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:27.176772 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:27.176937 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:27.670874 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:27.671108 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:27.671208 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:28.629299 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:28.629550 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:28.629652 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:30.147953 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:30.148180 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:30.148342 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:32.193267 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:32.193581 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:32.193642 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:32.717247 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:32.717470 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:32.717628 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:33.633646 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:33.634000 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:33.634134 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:35.150656 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:35.151192 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:35.151452 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:37.220012 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:37.220293 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:37.220341 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:37.746848 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:37.747167 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:37.747240 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:38.640079 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:38.640256 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:38.640316 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:39.590061 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:39.590456 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:39.590656 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:40.153273 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:40.153805 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:40.154002 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:42.235988 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:42.236233 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:42.236395 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:42.753383 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:42.753657 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:42.753817 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:43.644449 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:43.645037 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:43.645304 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:45.155897 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:45.156357 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:45.156566 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:47.260268 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:47.260538 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:47.260609 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:47.770976 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:47.771195 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:47.771261 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:48.647577 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:48.647913 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:48.648038 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:50.158968 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:50.159515 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:50.159803 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:52.271333 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:52.271587 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:52.271875 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:52.786018 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:52.786282 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:52.786327 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:53.652635 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:53.653203 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:53.653384 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:55.173443 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:55.173707 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:55.173752 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:57.291371 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:57.291683 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:57.291733 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:57.796710 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:57.797014 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:57.797054 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:11:58.655555 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:11:58.655826 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:11:58.656020 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:00.177602 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:00.177858 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:00.178044 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:02.311838 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:02.312137 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:02.312246 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:02.808358 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:02.808621 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:02.808719 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:03.670066 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:03.670283 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:03.670343 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:05.178419 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:05.178670 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:05.178723 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:07.329776 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:07.330076 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:07.330305 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:07.824090 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:07.824336 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:07.824381 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:08.674918 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:08.675469 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:08.675649 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:10.180623 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:10.181266 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:10.181542 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:12.345892 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:12.346136 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:12.346181 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:12.839386 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:12.839642 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:12.839686 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:13.680222 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:13.680776 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:13.681026 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:14.592773 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:14.593123 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:14.593278 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:15.189385 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:15.189673 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:15.189779 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:17.358856 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:17.359123 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:17.359224 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:17.855340 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:17.855590 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:17.855716 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:18.682907 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:18.683154 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:18.683330 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:20.190504 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:20.190742 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:20.190806 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:22.371013 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:22.371335 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:22.371441 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:22.871306 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:22.871553 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:22.871718 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:23.688228 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:23.688719 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:23.688881 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:25.192817 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:25.193424 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:25.193705 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:27.379315 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:27.379622 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:27.379728 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:27.884857 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:27.885086 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:27.885164 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:28.693693 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:28.694086 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:28.694217 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:30.194140 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:30.194410 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:30.194578 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:32.392501 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:32.392727 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:32.392789 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:32.897179 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:32.897721 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:32.897925 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:33.698729 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:33.699275 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:33.699470 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:35.195269 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:35.195527 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:35.195703 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:37.403682 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:37.403980 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:37.404085 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:37.908565 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:37.908833 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:37.908998 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:38.705013 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:38.705564 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:38.705833 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:40.197447 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:40.197923 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:40.198126 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:42.415173 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:42.415500 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:42.415605 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:42.921951 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:42.922204 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:42.922369 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:43.707315 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:43.707576 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:43.707767 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:45.198741 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:45.199013 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:45.199195 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:47.433285 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:47.433427 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:47.433454 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:47.938917 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:47.939155 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:47.939242 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:48.709118 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:48.709481 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:48.709599 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:49.594542 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:49.594804 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:49.594910 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:50.199971 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:50.200193 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:50.200310 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:52.449838 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:52.450017 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:52.450106 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:52.945093 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:52.945269 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:52.945346 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:53.713793 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:53.714110 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:53.714275 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:55.201553 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:55.201965 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:55.202168 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:57.460156 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:57.460306 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:57.460347 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:57.951557 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:57.951764 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:57.951817 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:12:58.715641 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:12:58.715901 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:12:58.716091 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:00.204128 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:00.204679 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:00.204957 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:02.480199 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:02.480514 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:02.480619 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:02.963262 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:02.963533 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:02.963651 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:03.718040 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:03.718498 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:03.718686 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:05.206479 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:05.207089 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:05.207322 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:07.499962 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:07.500326 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:07.500510 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:07.977930 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:07.978170 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:07.978327 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:08.724317 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:08.724547 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:08.724677 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:10.207879 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:10.208140 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:10.208337 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:12.520263 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:12.520432 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:12.520488 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:12.986492 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:12.986745 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:12.986818 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:13.729351 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:13.729893 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:13.730169 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:15.210429 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:15.210883 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:15.210979 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:17.532481 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:17.532636 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:17.532703 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:17.996522 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:17.996755 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:17.996836 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:18.731637 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:18.731872 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:18.731916 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:20.211814 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:20.212156 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:20.212262 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:22.549958 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:22.550192 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:22.550252 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:23.012191 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:23.012605 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:23.012777 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:23.736614 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:23.737170 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:23.737393 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:24.597637 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:24.598179 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:24.598358 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:25.212962 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:25.213460 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:25.213628 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:27.570517 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:27.570715 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:27.570829 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:28.030820 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:28.031065 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:28.031166 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:28.739145 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:28.739321 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:28.739380 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:30.214907 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:30.215257 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:30.215431 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:32.581876 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:32.582070 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:32.582107 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:33.047381 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:33.047613 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:33.047777 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:33.743749 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:33.744201 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:33.744365 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:35.215954 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:35.216210 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:35.216406 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:37.600205 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:37.600387 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:37.600427 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:38.063468 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:38.063713 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:38.063759 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:38.748925 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:38.749487 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:38.749696 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:40.219498 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:40.219802 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:40.219984 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:42.620060 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:42.620305 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:42.620494 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:43.079310 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:43.079567 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:43.079686 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:43.750816 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:43.750986 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:43.751112 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:45.222699 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:45.222984 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:45.223148 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:47.635659 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:47.636003 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:47.636185 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:48.095343 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:48.095589 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:48.095730 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:48.752469 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:48.752725 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:48.752985 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:50.232472 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:50.232861 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:50.233040 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:52.647278 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:52.647468 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:52.647505 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:53.109297 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:53.109538 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:53.109597 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:53.755598 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:53.755996 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:53.756187 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:55.244623 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:55.245065 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:55.245257 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:57.669740 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:57.670073 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:57.670241 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:58.126686 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:58.126955 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:58.127113 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:58.757299 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:58.757562 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:58.757738 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:13:59.600298 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:13:59.600521 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:13:59.600621 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:00.257375 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:00.257611 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:00.257697 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:02.683949 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:02.684151 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:02.684257 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:03.135802 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:03.136121 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:03.136364 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:03.770251 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:03.770485 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:03.770546 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:05.265338 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:05.265584 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:05.265620 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:07.691687 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:07.691992 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:07.692104 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:08.143578 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:08.143857 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:08.144028 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:08.787719 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:08.787920 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:08.787997 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:10.267477 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:10.268033 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:10.268307 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:12.702862 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:12.703036 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:12.703093 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:13.153168 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:13.153434 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:13.153599 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:13.794735 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:13.794984 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:13.795143 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:15.268901 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:15.269357 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:15.269551 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:17.714670 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:17.714959 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:17.715065 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:18.167960 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:18.168203 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:18.168366 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:18.800932 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:18.801149 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:18.801234 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:20.269960 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:20.270157 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:20.270211 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:22.737284 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:22.737581 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:22.737687 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:23.183410 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:23.183658 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:23.183772 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:23.810720 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:23.810964 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:23.811122 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:25.272075 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:25.272562 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:25.272780 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:27.759472 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:27.759646 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:27.759753 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:28.190648 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:28.190990 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:28.191041 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:28.821232 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:28.821438 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:28.821539 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:30.273310 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:30.273503 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:30.273558 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:32.780294 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:32.780580 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:32.780753 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:33.204067 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:33.204319 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:33.204457 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:33.832087 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:33.832263 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:33.832345 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:34.603950 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:34.604482 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:34.604684 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:35.275334 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:35.275850 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:35.276111 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:37.797284 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:37.797459 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:37.797512 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:38.218113 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:38.218300 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:38.218407 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:38.848688 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:38.849054 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:38.849219 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:40.278053 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:40.278602 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:40.278870 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:42.813311 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:42.813477 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:42.813529 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:43.241582 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:43.242086 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:43.242352 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:43.858119 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:43.858337 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:43.858370 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:45.280556 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:45.281234 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:45.281506 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:47.840693 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:47.840921 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:47.840969 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:48.252812 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:48.253070 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:48.253116 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:48.860655 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:48.860902 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:48.860957 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:50.282499 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:50.282886 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:50.283066 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:52.860408 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:52.860641 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:52.860751 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:53.267599 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:53.267861 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:53.268025 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:53.877550 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:53.877737 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:53.877816 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:55.285021 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:55.285569 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:55.285843 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:57.872162 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:57.872465 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:57.872571 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:58.291527 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:58.291772 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:58.291936 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:14:58.884353 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:14:58.884551 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:14:58.884715 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:00.287420 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:00.287971 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:00.288236 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:02.892297 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:02.892503 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:02.892538 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:03.301120 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:03.301374 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:03.301419 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:03.886378 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:03.886565 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:03.886668 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:05.293847 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:05.294127 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:05.294194 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:07.904338 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:07.904894 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:07.905122 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:08.307124 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:08.307377 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:08.307535 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:08.887950 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:08.888153 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:08.888323 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:09.607109 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:09.607275 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:09.607298 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:10.294979 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:10.295252 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:10.295426 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:12.930386 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:12.930703 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:12.930877 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:13.320070 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:13.320322 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:13.320479 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:13.893089 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:13.893352 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:13.893544 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:15.299952 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:15.300191 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:15.300352 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:17.949811 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:17.950235 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:17.950405 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:18.336795 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:18.336971 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:18.337014 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:18.898409 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:18.898966 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:18.899236 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:20.302540 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:20.303002 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:20.303203 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:22.977438 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:22.977624 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:22.977691 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:23.350822 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:23.351005 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:23.351122 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:23.902663 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:23.903061 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:23.903264 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:25.304720 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:25.305300 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:25.305570 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:27.995363 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:27.995657 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:27.995762 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:28.356637 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:28.356872 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:28.356982 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:28.904867 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:28.905326 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:28.905534 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:30.306524 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:30.306779 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:30.306955 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:33.009292 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:33.009650 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:33.009754 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:33.362703 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:33.362957 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:33.363122 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:33.907113 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:33.907370 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:33.907558 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:35.311316 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:35.311810 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:35.312058 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:38.017806 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:38.018087 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:38.018184 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:38.368623 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:38.368848 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:38.368879 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:38.912240 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:38.912788 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:38.913066 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:40.313575 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:40.314126 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:40.314392 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:43.028717 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:43.028900 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:43.028959 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:43.374935 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:43.375154 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:43.375319 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:43.914866 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:43.915124 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:43.915288 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:44.611256 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:44.611769 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:44.611980 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:45.316397 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:45.317065 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:45.317335 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:48.040123 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:48.040432 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:48.040487 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:48.381043 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:48.381287 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:48.381445 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:48.916637 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:48.916883 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:48.916916 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:50.319216 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:50.319767 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:50.320032 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:53.051703 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:53.051967 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:53.052008 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:53.386930 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:53.387115 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:53.387204 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:53.920607 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:53.921186 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:53.921407 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:55.321839 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:55.322309 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:55.322465 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:58.064302 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:58.064825 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:58.064978 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:58.403158 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:58.403376 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:58.403409 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:15:58.926615 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:15:58.927096 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:15:58.927217 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:00.323073 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:00.323331 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:00.323583 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:03.089994 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:03.090321 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:03.090426 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:03.408960 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:03.409195 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:03.409255 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:03.928724 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:03.929017 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:03.929077 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:05.324074 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:05.324288 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:05.324350 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:08.100193 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:08.100431 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:08.100537 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:08.414797 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:08.415041 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:08.415145 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:08.933868 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:08.934280 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:08.934421 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:10.326671 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:10.327229 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:10.327505 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:13.111842 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:13.112074 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:13.112184 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:13.420837 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:13.421151 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:13.421257 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:13.936109 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:13.936339 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:13.936462 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:15.328106 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:15.328375 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:15.328638 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:18.123619 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:18.123914 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:18.123975 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:18.426886 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:18.427110 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:18.427169 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:18.941719 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:18.942180 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:18.942405 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:19.616650 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:19.616909 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:19.617041 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:20.330736 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:20.331246 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:20.331466 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:23.135486 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:23.135778 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:23.135870 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:23.437137 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:23.437403 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:23.437566 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:23.947008 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:23.947547 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:23.947812 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:25.333996 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:25.334494 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:25.334641 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:28.160360 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:28.160547 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:28.160641 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:28.451283 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:28.451436 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:28.451514 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:28.952376 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:28.952921 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:28.953132 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:30.341991 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:30.342491 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:30.342731 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:33.172296 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:33.172478 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:33.172566 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:33.467239 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:33.467414 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:33.467527 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:33.957870 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:33.958407 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:33.958672 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:35.345398 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:35.345865 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:35.346005 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:38.190811 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:38.191063 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:38.191232 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:38.473156 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:38.473332 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:38.473411 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:38.964405 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:38.964876 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:38.965161 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:40.346843 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:40.347076 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:40.347191 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:43.209287 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:43.209475 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:43.209545 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:43.487643 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:43.487885 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:43.488050 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:43.967006 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:43.967321 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:43.967413 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:45.348258 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:45.348510 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:45.348577 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:48.220199 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:48.220525 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:48.220575 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:48.503199 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:48.503453 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:48.503589 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:48.972106 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:48.972659 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:48.972965 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:50.350147 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:50.350321 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:50.350400 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:53.240467 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:53.240683 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:53.240750 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:53.519288 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:53.519539 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:53.519687 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:53.977167 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:53.977720 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:53.977989 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:54.618491 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:54.618749 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:54.618913 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:55.351040 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:55.351338 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:55.351511 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:58.262543 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:58.262854 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:58.262961 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:58.534609 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:58.534886 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:58.535051 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:16:58.982583 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:16:58.983113 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:16:58.983319 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:00.353527 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:00.353940 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:00.354070 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:03.279858 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:03.280184 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:03.280290 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:03.550348 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:03.550584 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:03.550742 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:03.990190 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:03.990732 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:03.990994 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:05.354759 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:05.355076 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:05.355204 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:08.299392 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:08.299653 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:08.299817 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:08.567185 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:08.567452 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:08.567611 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:08.995657 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:08.996176 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:08.996370 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:10.356320 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:10.356555 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:10.356719 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:13.315399 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:13.315707 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:13.315813 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:13.583237 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:13.583503 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:13.583642 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:13.999849 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:14.000427 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:14.000583 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:15.358732 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:15.359265 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:15.359532 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:18.333826 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:18.333970 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:18.334009 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:18.599169 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:18.599437 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:18.599519 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:19.005587 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:19.006143 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:19.006413 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:20.360008 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:20.360317 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:20.360542 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:23.347847 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:23.347997 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:23.348032 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:23.614757 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:23.615023 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:23.615181 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:24.011468 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:24.011954 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:24.012234 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:25.360977 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:25.361333 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:25.361558 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:28.359887 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:28.360199 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:28.360298 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:28.631175 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:28.631430 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:28.631476 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:29.013539 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:29.013897 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:29.013950 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:29.621274 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:29.621801 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:29.622004 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:30.362126 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:30.362473 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:30.362605 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:33.371832 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:33.372050 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:33.372156 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:33.637290 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:33.637532 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:33.637632 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:34.019841 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:34.020384 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:34.020650 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:35.373358 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:35.373589 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:35.373747 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:38.385736 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:38.385971 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:38.386016 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:38.650135 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:38.650362 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:38.650407 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:39.022794 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:39.023046 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:39.023100 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:40.375635 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:40.376108 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:40.376317 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:43.410021 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:43.410204 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:43.410271 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:43.664338 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:43.664682 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:43.664829 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:44.026489 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:44.026786 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:44.026945 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:45.376904 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:45.377130 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:45.377223 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:48.429862 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:48.430191 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:48.430362 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:48.673315 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:48.673569 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:48.673727 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:49.035646 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:49.035900 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:49.036059 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:50.377792 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:50.378050 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:50.378239 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:53.440202 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:53.440410 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:53.440461 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:53.687710 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:53.687980 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:53.688025 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:54.040572 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:54.041127 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:54.041277 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:55.378942 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:55.379220 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:55.379265 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:58.452008 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:58.452281 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:58.452336 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:58.702980 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:58.703233 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:58.703499 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:17:59.043277 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:17:59.043473 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:17:59.043632 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:00.380067 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:00.380270 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:00.380323 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:03.461744 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:03.461972 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:03.462057 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:03.709914 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:03.710110 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:03.710218 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:04.045750 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:04.045973 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:04.046039 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:04.625783 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:04.625978 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:04.626036 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:05.381059 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:05.381246 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:05.381311 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:08.478275 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:08.478469 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:08.478519 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:08.716013 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:08.716232 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:08.716264 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:09.047824 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:09.048082 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:09.048258 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:10.383255 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:10.383788 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:10.384055 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:13.497350 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:13.497541 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:13.497616 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:13.728638 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:13.728940 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:13.729090 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:14.053097 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:14.053642 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:14.053910 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:15.384489 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:15.384769 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:15.384935 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:18.513305 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:18.513627 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:18.513733 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:18.743826 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:18.744059 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:18.744211 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:19.055104 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:19.055303 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:19.055357 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:20.391983 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:20.392222 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:20.392283 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:23.535364 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:23.535693 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:23.535798 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:23.759559 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:23.759816 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:23.759980 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:24.060156 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:24.060697 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:24.060903 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:25.401831 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:25.402093 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:25.402194 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:28.557314 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:28.557634 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:28.557720 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:28.774877 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:28.775134 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:28.775179 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:29.062758 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:29.063015 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:29.063060 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:30.411523 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:30.411783 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:30.411828 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:33.573372 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:33.573585 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:33.573683 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:33.791074 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:33.791322 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:33.791486 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:34.067440 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:34.067856 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:34.068038 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:35.419571 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:35.419812 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:35.419901 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:38.587732 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:38.588273 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:38.588538 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:38.800392 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:38.800611 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:38.800749 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:39.072700 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:39.073279 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:39.073545 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:39.628495 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:39.629045 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:39.629219 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:40.426052 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:40.426305 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:40.426443 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:43.595677 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:43.596005 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:43.596111 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:43.812533 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:43.812785 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:43.812887 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:44.077667 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:44.078072 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:44.078278 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:45.428200 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:45.428560 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:45.428745 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:48.620348 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:48.620691 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:48.620865 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:48.818730 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:48.818990 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:48.819148 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:49.082770 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:49.083217 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:49.083444 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:50.429807 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:50.430189 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:50.430325 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:53.632370 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:53.632574 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:53.632643 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:53.824809 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:53.825027 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:53.825089 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:54.088546 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:54.088783 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:54.088842 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:55.432854 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:55.433482 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:55.433685 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:58.647570 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:58.647865 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:58.648021 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:58.834561 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:58.834905 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:58.835018 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:18:59.098089 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:18:59.098353 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:18:59.098517 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:00.434597 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:00.434887 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:00.434926 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:03.659552 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:03.659851 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:03.659956 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:03.840817 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:03.841100 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:03.841207 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:04.104437 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:04.104793 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:04.104953 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:05.436268 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:05.436637 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:05.436824 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:08.679417 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:08.679621 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:08.679711 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:08.853463 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:08.853759 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:08.853791 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:09.117620 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:09.117889 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:09.118054 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:10.437978 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:10.438330 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:10.438531 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:13.691377 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:13.691677 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:13.691774 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:13.859822 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:13.860091 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:13.860166 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:14.130789 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:14.131199 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:14.131302 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:14.631477 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:14.631653 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:14.631710 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:15.440415 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:15.440734 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:15.440890 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:18.711604 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:18.711820 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:18.711876 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:18.874876 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:18.875105 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:18.875156 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:19.138145 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:19.138407 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:19.138508 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:20.442885 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:20.443378 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:20.443635 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:23.728755 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:23.729001 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:23.729078 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:23.891119 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:23.891289 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:23.891366 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:24.149371 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:24.149552 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:24.149650 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:25.445314 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:25.446057 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:25.446316 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:28.739025 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:28.739236 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:28.739303 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:28.906309 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:28.906558 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:28.906723 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:29.160214 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:29.160441 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:29.160499 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:30.446752 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:30.446961 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:30.447023 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:33.759354 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:33.759581 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:33.759645 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:33.923026 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:33.923278 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:33.923338 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:34.165430 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:34.165673 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:34.165726 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:35.448836 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:35.449410 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:35.449691 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:38.771520 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:38.771852 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:38.772008 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:38.941191 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:38.941382 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:38.941442 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:39.174577 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:39.174780 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:39.174813 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:40.450399 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:40.450746 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:40.450805 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:43.790218 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:43.790544 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:43.790649 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:43.953820 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:43.954055 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:43.954156 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:44.188821 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:44.189131 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:44.189176 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:45.451700 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:45.451957 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:45.452147 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:48.810307 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:48.810641 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:48.810779 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:48.963345 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:48.963627 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:48.963713 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:49.200103 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:49.200372 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:49.200536 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:49.634115 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:49.634387 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:49.634485 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:50.452987 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:50.453198 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:50.453315 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:53.825195 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:53.825511 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:53.825674 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:53.975494 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:53.975723 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:53.975780 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:54.209046 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:54.209411 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:54.209589 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:55.455141 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:55.455699 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:55.456030 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:58.845664 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:58.845874 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:58.845928 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:58.983478 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:58.983751 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:58.983869 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:19:59.214960 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:19:59.215167 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:19:59.215218 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:00.456760 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:00.456980 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:00.457082 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:03.860417 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:03.860845 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:03.860993 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:04.000484 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:04.000751 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:04.000798 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:04.221433 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:04.221591 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:04.221645 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:05.458444 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:05.458767 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:05.458869 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:08.875167 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:08.875382 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:08.875438 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:09.007347 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:09.007591 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:09.007657 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:09.230174 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:09.230420 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:09.230496 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:10.459769 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:10.459941 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:10.459994 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:13.892235 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:13.892452 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:13.892512 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:14.030530 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:14.030726 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:14.030779 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:14.236302 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:14.236622 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:14.236690 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:15.461445 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:15.461822 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:15.461962 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:18.909440 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:18.909645 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:18.909701 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:19.045986 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:19.046240 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:19.046348 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:19.250518 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:19.250800 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:19.250872 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:20.462780 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:20.463039 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:20.463131 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:23.928220 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:23.928402 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:23.928463 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:24.077687 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:24.077927 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:24.077960 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:24.253003 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:24.253235 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:24.253420 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:24.635819 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:24.636019 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:24.636052 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:25.463984 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:25.464178 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:25.464212 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:28.940685 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:28.940937 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:28.941099 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:29.091519 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:29.091793 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:29.091880 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:29.254668 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:29.254872 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:29.254927 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:30.465048 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:30.465356 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:30.465560 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:33.953590 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:33.954035 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:33.954251 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:34.105325 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:34.105500 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:34.105537 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:34.256553 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:34.256749 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:34.256787 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:35.466022 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:35.466226 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:35.466265 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:38.963110 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:38.963377 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:38.963457 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:39.118875 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:39.119068 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:39.119110 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:39.261142 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:39.261301 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:39.261361 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:40.466839 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:40.467063 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:40.467121 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:43.975921 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:43.976286 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:43.976362 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:44.138061 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:44.138342 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:44.138473 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:44.262898 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:44.263063 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:44.263140 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:45.468280 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:45.468701 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:45.468912 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:48.984735 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:48.985000 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:48.985144 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:49.151876 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:49.152116 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:49.152280 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:49.267458 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:49.267951 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:49.268074 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:50.470516 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:50.470955 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:50.471115 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:53.999048 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:53.999256 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:53.999289 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:54.167291 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:54.167538 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:54.167701 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:54.270598 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:54.271076 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:54.271198 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:55.471835 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:55.472087 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:55.472197 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:59.006412 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:59.006655 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:59.006739 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:59.178135 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:59.178375 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:59.178464 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:59.273094 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:59.273351 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:59.273426 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:20:59.639897 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:20:59.640286 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:20:59.640447 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:00.473978 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:00.474483 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:00.474746 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:04.013767 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:04.014009 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:04.014138 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:04.192278 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:04.192470 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:04.192571 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:04.277950 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:04.278480 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:04.278744 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:05.475251 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:05.475496 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:05.475674 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:09.028440 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:09.028767 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:09.028863 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:09.207387 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:09.207680 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:09.207789 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:09.280758 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:09.281058 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:09.281136 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:10.477380 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:10.477856 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:10.478015 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:14.039838 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:14.039994 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:14.040031 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:14.220216 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:14.220419 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:14.220447 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:14.282319 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:14.282519 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:14.282552 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:15.480593 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:15.480914 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:15.481034 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:19.054492 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:19.054746 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:19.054861 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:19.233669 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:19.233886 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:19.233920 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:19.285576 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:19.285896 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:19.285972 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:20.481977 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:20.482194 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:20.482245 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:24.081336 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:24.081587 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:24.081750 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:24.249495 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:24.249828 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:24.249903 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:24.287397 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:24.287620 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:24.287687 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:25.484374 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:25.484881 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:25.485179 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:29.098273 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:29.098648 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:29.098823 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:29.266586 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:29.266804 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:29.266864 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:29.291835 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:29.292251 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:29.292552 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:30.486895 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:30.487212 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:30.487363 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:34.104235 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:34.104470 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:34.104530 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:34.272835 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:34.273040 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:34.273073 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:34.293902 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:34.294083 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:34.294148 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:34.643151 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:34.643522 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:34.643615 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:35.487735 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:35.487992 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:35.488128 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:39.117868 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:39.118217 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:39.118274 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:39.278749 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:39.278999 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:39.279086 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:39.298142 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:39.298635 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:39.298900 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:40.488673 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:40.488854 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:40.488952 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:44.133611 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:44.133790 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:44.133822 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:44.290657 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:44.290897 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:44.290997 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:44.299866 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:44.300042 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:44.300201 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:45.489522 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:45.489806 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:45.489939 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:49.139841 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:49.140068 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:49.140183 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:49.305904 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:49.306183 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:49.306289 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:49.308279 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:49.308388 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:49.308412 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:50.491568 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:50.492020 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:50.492202 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:54.145366 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:54.145624 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:54.145656 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:54.309057 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:54.309268 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:54.309311 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:54.314352 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:54.314523 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:54.314676 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:55.494602 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:55.495142 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:55.495351 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:59.151204 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:59.151380 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:59.151471 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:59.312101 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:59.312457 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:59.312569 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:21:59.326156 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:21:59.326387 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:21:59.326433 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:00.496723 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:00.497247 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:00.497519 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:04.161935 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:04.162121 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:04.162222 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:04.316737 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:04.317213 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:04.317479 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:04.336827 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:04.337029 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:04.337055 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:05.497968 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:05.498194 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:05.498253 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:09.178537 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:09.178768 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:09.178961 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:09.318545 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:09.318792 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:09.318914 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:09.349786 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:09.349988 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:09.350039 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:09.645562 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:09.645735 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:09.645762 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:10.499978 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:10.500507 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:10.500772 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:14.194016 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:14.194272 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:14.194434 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:14.322232 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:14.322626 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:14.322773 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:14.356495 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:14.356738 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:14.356776 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:15.502328 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:15.502801 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:15.502919 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:19.210115 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:19.210268 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:19.210336 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:19.324124 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:19.324342 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:19.324403 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:19.362825 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:19.363073 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:19.363174 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:20.503652 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:20.503806 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:20.503980 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:24.226305 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:24.226511 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:24.226572 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:24.326798 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:24.327024 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:24.327082 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:24.373633 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:24.373904 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:24.373963 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:25.504720 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:25.505036 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:25.505164 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:29.240484 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:29.240803 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:29.240914 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:29.328901 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:29.329109 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:29.329160 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:29.388684 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:29.388890 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:29.388942 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:30.506063 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:30.506315 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:30.506384 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:34.247848 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:34.248125 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:34.248268 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:34.330898 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:34.331049 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:34.331127 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:34.395061 VMMDev: Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:22:34.395291 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners.
00:22:34.395337 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=0, Machine-state=5
00:22:34.493681 Changing the VM state from 'RUNNING' to 'SUSPENDING'
00:22:34.495292 AIOMgr: Flush failed with VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, disabling async flushes
00:22:34.495546 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file '/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Tails.vdi' (flags 000c0781) created successfully
00:22:34.503540 PDMR3Suspend: 9 787 364 ns run time
00:22:34.503572 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDING' to 'SUSPENDED'
00:22:34.503599 Console: Machine state changed to 'Paused'
00:22:36.749895 Console: Machine state changed to 'Saving'
00:22:36.754299 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDED' to 'SAVING'
00:22:36.754788 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event received, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:22:36.754909 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Old usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:22:36.754967 VUSB: Detached 'HidMouse' from port 1
00:22:36.757280 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  New usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:22:36.757680 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Items currently in usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:22:36.758349 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event processed, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:22:36.772356 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished!
00:22:45.765207 SSM: Footer at 0x45a292a3 (1168282275), 35 directory entries.
00:22:45.765274 VUSB: Attached 'HidMouse' to port 1
00:22:45.765565 SSM: Successfully saved the VM state to '/media/veracrypt1/Macchina virtuale/Virtual machines/Tails/Snapshots/2016-02-23T21-00-16-989419000Z.sav'
00:22:45.765592 Changing the VM state from 'SAVING' to 'SUSPENDED'
00:22:45.765626 Console::powerDown(): A request to power off the VM has been issued (mMachineState=Saving, InUninit=0)
00:22:45.765668 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=00007f5753400000 w=1920 h=972 bpp=32 cbLine=0x1E00 flags=0x1
00:22:45.765701 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=1920x972, Sending to async-handler
00:22:45.765738 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDED' to 'POWERING_OFF'
00:22:45.765775 GUI: UIMachineView::sltHandleNotifyChange: Screen=0, Size=1920x972
00:22:45.765801 ****************** Guest state at power off ******************
00:22:45.765804 Guest CPUM (VCPU 0) state: 
00:22:45.765809 rax=0000000000000000 rbx=ffffffff818e2d80 rcx=0000000000000000 rdx=0000000000000000
00:22:45.765813 rsi=ffffffff81803fd8 rdi=0000000000000000 r8 =0000000000000000 r9 =0000000000000000
00:22:45.765814 r10=000000010003e28c r11=0000000000000000 r12=ffffffff81800000 r13=0000000000000000
00:22:45.765816 r14=00000000ffffffed r15=ffffffff81a27000
00:22:45.765817 rip=ffffffff8101cac2 rsp=ffffffff81803f08 rbp=0000000000000000 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
00:22:45.765820 cs={0010 base=0000000000000000 limit=ffffffff flags=0000a09b}
00:22:45.765821 ds={0000 base=0000000000000000 limit=ffffffff flags=0001c000}
00:22:45.765822 es={0000 base=0000000000000000 limit=ffffffff flags=0001c000}
00:22:45.765823 fs={0000 base=0000000000000000 limit=ffffffff flags=0001c000}
00:22:45.765824 gs={0000 base=ffff88011fc00000 limit=ffffffff flags=0001c000}
00:22:45.765825 ss={0000 base=0000000000000000 limit=ffffffff flags=0001c000}
00:22:45.765826 cr0=000000008005003b cr2=000000000afd9000 cr3=00000000c363c000 cr4=00000000000406f0
00:22:45.765827 dr0=0000000000000000 dr1=0000000000000000 dr2=0000000000000000 dr3=0000000000000000
00:22:45.765828 dr4=0000000000000000 dr5=0000000000000000 dr6=00000000ffff0ff0 dr7=0000000000000400
00:22:45.765830 gdtr=ffff88011fc09000:007f  idtr=ffffffffff574000:0fff  eflags=00000246
00:22:45.765832 ldtr={0000 base=00000000 limit=ffffffff flags=0001c000}
00:22:45.765833 tr  ={0040 base=ffff88011fc10340 limit=00002087 flags=0000008b}
00:22:45.765834 SysEnter={cs=0010 eip=ffffffff81516460 esp=0000000000000000}
00:22:45.765835 xcr=0000000000000007 xcr1=0000000000000000 xss=0000000000000000 (fXStateMask=0000000000000007)
00:22:45.765837 FCW=027f FSW=0123 FTW=0000 FOP=0000 MXCSR=00001fbb MXCSR_MASK=0000ffff
00:22:45.765838 FPUIP=f73f4688 CS=0000 Rsrvd1=0000  FPUDP=f741d634 DS=0000 Rsvrd2=0000
00:22:45.765840 ST(0)=FPR0={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 (*)
00:22:45.765842 ST(1)=FPR1={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 (*)
00:22:45.765844 ST(2)=FPR2={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 (*)
00:22:45.765845 ST(3)=FPR3={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 (*)
00:22:45.765846 ST(4)=FPR4={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 (*)
00:22:45.765847 ST(5)=FPR5={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 (*)
00:22:45.765848 ST(6)=FPR6={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 (*)
00:22:45.765849 ST(7)=FPR7={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 (*)
00:22:45.765851 YMM0 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'3f800000'3eececee'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765853 YMM1 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'3f800000'3ec6c6c8'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765855 YMM2 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'3f800000'3ec6c6c8'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765856 YMM3 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'3f800000'3ec6c6c8'3f800000'3ec6c6c8
00:22:45.765858 YMM4 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'3f800000'3ec6c6c8'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765860 YMM5 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'3e4b4d65'3f7b50aa'445e8000'c28ffff8
00:22:45.765862 YMM6 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000008'00000008'00000008'00000008
00:22:45.765863 YMM7 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765865 YMM8 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765866 YMM9 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765868 YMM10=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765869 YMM11=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765870 YMM12=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765872 YMM13=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765873 YMM14=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765875 YMM15=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
00:22:45.765876 EFER         =0000000000000d01
00:22:45.765877 PAT          =0007010600070106
00:22:45.765878 STAR         =0023001000000000
00:22:45.765878 CSTAR        =ffffffff815166a0
00:22:45.765879 LSTAR        =ffffffff81513c90
00:22:45.765880 SFMASK       =0000000000047700
00:22:45.765881 KERNELGSBASE =0000000000000000
00:22:45.765881 ***
00:22:45.765893 Guest paging mode:  AMD64+NX (changed 39708 times), A20 enabled (changed 2 times)
00:22:45.765895 Shadow paging mode: EPT
00:22:45.765895 Host paging mode:   AMD64+G+NX
00:22:45.765896 ***
00:22:45.765901 Active Timers (pVM=00007f57ac00b000)
00:22:45.765901 pTimerR3         offNext  offPrev  offSched Clock               Time             Expire HzHint State                     Description
00:22:45.765905 00007f577c92b420 00030a50 00000000 00000000 Real            44306812           44295556      0 2-ACTIVE                  VGA Refresh Timer
00:22:45.765908 00007f577c95be70 ffffff80 fffcf5b0 00000000 Real            44306812           44295563      0 2-ACTIVE                  EMT Yielder
00:22:45.765911 00007f577c95bdf0 00000000 00000080 00000000 Real            44306812           44295596      0 2-ACTIVE                  CPU Load Timer
00:22:45.765913 00007f577c958d10 ffffcda0 00000000 00000000 Virt       1325773742359      1325764439682      0 2-ACTIVE                  USB Frame Timer
00:22:45.765916 00007f577c955ab0 00000000 00003260 00000000 Virt       1325773742359      1325765669860      0 2-ACTIVE                  DevIchAc97
00:22:45.765919 00007f577c929050 00001280 00000000 00000000 VrSy       1325763439682      1325770156293    131 2-ACTIVE                  APIC Timer #0
00:22:45.765921 00007f577c92a2d0 00030680 ffffed80 00000000 VrSy       1325763439682      1325990000000      0 2-ACTIVE                  MC146818 RTC/CMOS - Second
00:22:45.765924 00007f577c95a950 00000000 fffcf980 00000000 VrSy       1325763439682      1799796047823      0 2-ACTIVE                  ACPI PM Timer
00:22:45.765926 ***
00:22:45.765929 ***
00:22:45.765934 ************** End of Guest state at power off ***************
00:22:45.766812 PDMR3PowerOff: 823 895 ns run time
00:22:45.766844 Changing the VM state from 'POWERING_OFF' to 'OFF'
00:22:45.767604 Changing the VM state from 'OFF' to 'DESTROYING'
00:22:45.767651 ************************* Statistics *************************
00:22:45.767720 /CPUM/MSR-Totals/Reads                 45 times
00:22:45.767739 /CPUM/MSR-Totals/ReadsRaisingGP         0 times
00:22:45.767756 /CPUM/MSR-Totals/ReadsUnknown           0 times
00:22:45.767773 /CPUM/MSR-Totals/Writes                18 times
00:22:45.767790 /CPUM/MSR-Totals/WritesRaisingGP        0 times
00:22:45.767807 /CPUM/MSR-Totals/WritesToIgnoredBits        1 times
00:22:45.767824 /CPUM/MSR-Totals/WritesUnknown          0 times
00:22:45.767840 /Devices/E1k0/ReceiveBytes       36555204 bytes
00:22:45.767858 /Devices/E1k0/TransmitBytes       2705777 bytes
00:22:45.767875 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/AtapiDMA        0 times
00:22:45.767891 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/AtapiPIO        0 times
00:22:45.767908 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/DMA            0 times
00:22:45.767925 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/PIO            0 times
00:22:45.767942 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/ReadBytes        0 bytes
00:22:45.767959 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/WrittenBytes        0 bytes
00:22:45.767976 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/AtapiDMA        0 times
00:22:45.767993 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/AtapiPIO        0 times
00:22:45.768009 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/DMA            0 times
00:22:45.768026 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/PIO            0 times
00:22:45.768042 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/ReadBytes        0 bytes
00:22:45.768059 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/WrittenBytes        0 bytes
00:22:45.768076 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/AtapiDMA     3381 times
00:22:45.768093 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/AtapiPIO     1130 times
00:22:45.768110 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/DMA            0 times
00:22:45.768126 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/PIO            0 times
00:22:45.768143 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/ReadBytes 289347584 bytes
00:22:45.768160 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/WrittenBytes        0 bytes
00:22:45.768176 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/AtapiDMA        0 times
00:22:45.768193 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/AtapiPIO        0 times
00:22:45.768210 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/DMA            0 times
00:22:45.768227 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/PIO            0 times
00:22:45.768244 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/ReadBytes        0 bytes
00:22:45.768260 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/WrittenBytes        0 bytes
00:22:45.768277 /Devices/SATA0/Port0/DMA              318 times
00:22:45.768294 /Devices/SATA0/Port0/ReadBytes    2421760 bytes
00:22:45.768315 /Devices/VMMDev/BalloonChunks           0 count
00:22:45.768332 /FT/Checkpoint/Network                  0 times
00:22:45.768349 /FT/Checkpoint/Storage                  0 times
00:22:45.768366 /FT/Received/Mem                        0 bytes
00:22:45.768383 /FT/Received/State                      0 bytes
00:22:45.768399 /FT/Sent/Mem                            0 bytes
00:22:45.768416 /FT/Sent/State                          0 bytes
00:22:45.768433 /FT/Sync/DeltaMem                       0 times
00:22:45.768450 /FT/Sync/DeltaVM                        0 times
00:22:45.768467 /FT/Sync/Full                           0 times
00:22:45.768484 /GMM/VM/Allocated/cBasePages       478844 pages
00:22:45.768501 /GMM/VM/Allocated/cFixedPages           0 pages
00:22:45.768518 /GMM/VM/Allocated/cShadowPages          0 pages
00:22:45.768534 /GMM/VM/Reserved/cBasePages       1048734 pages
00:22:45.768551 /GMM/VM/Reserved/cFixedPages         4100 pages
00:22:45.768568 /GMM/VM/Reserved/cShadowPages           1 pages
00:22:45.768584 /GMM/VM/cBalloonedPages                 0 pages
00:22:45.768601 /GMM/VM/cMaxBalloonedPages              0 pages
00:22:45.768617 /GMM/VM/cPrivatePages              478844 pages
00:22:45.768634 /GMM/VM/cReqActuallyBalloonedPages        0 pages
00:22:45.768650 /GMM/VM/cReqBalloonedPages              0 pages
00:22:45.768667 /GMM/VM/cReqDeflatePages                0 pages
00:22:45.768683 /GMM/VM/cShareableModules               0 count
00:22:45.768718 /GMM/VM/cSharedPages                    0 pages
00:22:45.768735 /GMM/VM/enmPolicy                       1 
00:22:45.768753 /GMM/VM/enmPriority                     2 
00:22:45.768769 /GMM/VM/fBallooningEnabled       false    
00:22:45.768786 /GMM/VM/fMayAllocate             true     
00:22:45.768803 /GMM/VM/fSharedPagingEnabled     false    
00:22:45.768820 /GMM/cAllocatedPages               478844 pages
00:22:45.768837 /GMM/cBalloonedPages                    0 pages
00:22:45.768854 /GMM/cChunks                          936 count
00:22:45.768871 /GMM/cDuplicatePages                    0 pages
00:22:45.768888 /GMM/cFreedChunks                       0 count
00:22:45.768905 /GMM/cLeftBehindSharedPages             0 pages
00:22:45.768921 /GMM/cMaxPages                   4294967295 pages
00:22:45.768958 /GMM/cOverCommittedPages                0 pages
00:22:45.768977 /GMM/cReservedPages               1052835 pages
00:22:45.768994 /GMM/cShareableModules                  0 count
00:22:45.769011 /GMM/cSharedPages                       0 pages
00:22:45.769028 /GVMM/EMTs                              1 calls
00:22:45.769045 /GVMM/HostCPUs                          8 calls
00:22:45.769062 /GVMM/HostCpus/0                        0 
00:22:45.769078 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/CurTimerHz             0 Hz
00:22:45.769095 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/DesiredHz              0 Hz
00:22:45.769112 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/PPTChanges             0 times
00:22:45.769129 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/PPTStarts              0 times
00:22:45.769145 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/idxCpuSet              0 
00:22:45.769162 /GVMM/HostCpus/1                        1 
00:22:45.769178 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/CurTimerHz             0 Hz
00:22:45.769195 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/DesiredHz              0 Hz
00:22:45.769212 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/PPTChanges             0 times
00:22:45.769228 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/PPTStarts              0 times
00:22:45.769244 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/idxCpuSet              1 
00:22:45.769261 /GVMM/HostCpus/2                        2 
00:22:45.769277 /GVMM/HostCpus/2/CurTimerHz             0 Hz
00:22:45.769294 /GVMM/HostCpus/2/DesiredHz              0 Hz
00:22:45.769310 /GVMM/HostCpus/2/PPTChanges             0 times
00:22:45.769327 /GVMM/HostCpus/2/PPTStarts              0 times
00:22:45.769343 /GVMM/HostCpus/2/idxCpuSet              2 
00:22:45.769360 /GVMM/HostCpus/3                        3 
00:22:45.769376 /GVMM/HostCpus/3/CurTimerHz             0 Hz
00:22:45.769393 /GVMM/HostCpus/3/DesiredHz              0 Hz
00:22:45.769409 /GVMM/HostCpus/3/PPTChanges             0 times
00:22:45.769425 /GVMM/HostCpus/3/PPTStarts              0 times
00:22:45.769442 /GVMM/HostCpus/3/idxCpuSet              3 
00:22:45.769458 /GVMM/HostCpus/4                        4 
00:22:45.769475 /GVMM/HostCpus/4/CurTimerHz             0 Hz
00:22:45.769491 /GVMM/HostCpus/4/DesiredHz              0 Hz
00:22:45.769507 /GVMM/HostCpus/4/PPTChanges             0 times
00:22:45.769524 /GVMM/HostCpus/4/PPTStarts              0 times
00:22:45.769544 /GVMM/HostCpus/4/idxCpuSet              4 
00:22:45.769560 /GVMM/HostCpus/5                        5 
00:22:45.769577 /GVMM/HostCpus/5/CurTimerHz             0 Hz
00:22:45.769594 /GVMM/HostCpus/5/DesiredHz              0 Hz
00:22:45.769610 /GVMM/HostCpus/5/PPTChanges             0 times
00:22:45.769626 /GVMM/HostCpus/5/PPTStarts              0 times
00:22:45.769643 /GVMM/HostCpus/5/idxCpuSet              5 
00:22:45.769659 /GVMM/HostCpus/6                        6 
00:22:45.769675 /GVMM/HostCpus/6/CurTimerHz             0 Hz
00:22:45.769691 /GVMM/HostCpus/6/DesiredHz              0 Hz
00:22:45.769707 /GVMM/HostCpus/6/PPTChanges             0 times
00:22:45.769724 /GVMM/HostCpus/6/PPTStarts              0 times
00:22:45.769740 /GVMM/HostCpus/6/idxCpuSet              6 
00:22:45.769756 /GVMM/HostCpus/7                        7 
00:22:45.769772 /GVMM/HostCpus/7/CurTimerHz             0 Hz
00:22:45.769789 /GVMM/HostCpus/7/DesiredHz              0 Hz
00:22:45.769805 /GVMM/HostCpus/7/PPTChanges             0 times
00:22:45.769821 /GVMM/HostCpus/7/PPTStarts              0 times
00:22:45.769854 /GVMM/HostCpus/7/idxCpuSet              7 
00:22:45.769872 /GVMM/Sum/HaltBlocking             379823 calls
00:22:45.769889 /GVMM/Sum/HaltCalls                381113 calls
00:22:45.769906 /GVMM/Sum/HaltNotBlocking            1290 calls
00:22:45.769923 /GVMM/Sum/HaltTimeouts             248232 calls
00:22:45.769939 /GVMM/Sum/HaltWakeUps                   0 calls
00:22:45.769956 /GVMM/Sum/PokeCalls                 37935 calls
00:22:45.769973 /GVMM/Sum/PokeNotBusy                 375 calls
00:22:45.769989 /GVMM/Sum/PollCalls                     0 calls
00:22:45.770006 /GVMM/Sum/PollHalts                     0 calls
00:22:45.770023 /GVMM/Sum/PollWakeUps                   0 calls
00:22:45.770039 /GVMM/Sum/WakeUpCalls              135176 calls
00:22:45.770056 /GVMM/Sum/WakeUpNotHalted           63835 calls
00:22:45.770072 /GVMM/Sum/WakeUpWakeUps                 0 calls
00:22:45.770089 /GVMM/VM/HaltBlocking              379823 calls
00:22:45.770105 /GVMM/VM/HaltCalls                 381113 calls
00:22:45.770122 /GVMM/VM/HaltNotBlocking             1290 calls
00:22:45.770139 /GVMM/VM/HaltTimeouts              248232 calls
00:22:45.770156 /GVMM/VM/HaltWakeUps                    0 calls
00:22:45.770172 /GVMM/VM/PokeCalls                  37935 calls
00:22:45.770189 /GVMM/VM/PokeNotBusy                  375 calls
00:22:45.770205 /GVMM/VM/PollCalls                      0 calls
00:22:45.770222 /GVMM/VM/PollHalts                      0 calls
00:22:45.770238 /GVMM/VM/PollWakeUps                    0 calls
00:22:45.770255 /GVMM/VM/WakeUpCalls               135176 calls
00:22:45.770271 /GVMM/VM/WakeUpNotHalted            63835 calls
00:22:45.770288 /GVMM/VM/WakeUpWakeUps                  0 calls
00:22:45.770304 /GVMM/VMs                               1 calls
00:22:45.770321 /HM/CPU0/Exit/HostNmiInGC               0 times
00:22:45.770337 /IEM/CPU0/cInstructions           1206880 count
00:22:45.770354 /IEM/CPU0/cPendingCommit                0 bytes
00:22:45.770370 /IEM/CPU0/cPotentialExits         1300617 count
00:22:45.770387 /IEM/CPU0/cRetAspectNotImplemented        0 count
00:22:45.770403 /IEM/CPU0/cRetErrStatuses               0 count
00:22:45.770420 /IEM/CPU0/cRetInfStatuses            6720 count
00:22:45.770436 /IEM/CPU0/cRetInstrNotImplemented        0 count
00:22:45.770452 /IEM/CPU0/cbWritten               3053803 bytes
00:22:45.770469 /MM/HyperHeap/cbFree               756224 bytes
00:22:45.770486 /MM/HyperHeap/cbHeap              1048256 bytes
00:22:45.770502 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCached                  0 bytes
00:22:45.770519 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCachedFru               0 bytes
00:22:45.770535 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCachedMruIn             0 bytes
00:22:45.770551 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCachedMruOut            0 bytes
00:22:45.770567 /PDM/BlkCache/cbMax               5242880 bytes
00:22:45.770584 /PDM/CritSects/8237A#0Auto/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.770600 /PDM/CritSects/8237A#0Auto/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.770616 /PDM/CritSects/8237A#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.770632 /PDM/CritSects/AHCI#0/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.770649 /PDM/CritSects/AHCI#0/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.770665 /PDM/CritSects/AHCI#0/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.770681 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#0-Ctl/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.770697 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#0-Ctl/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.770713 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#0-Ctl/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.770730 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#0-Req/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.770746 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#0-Req/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.770762 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#0-Req/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.770778 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#1-Ctl/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.770794 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#1-Ctl/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.770810 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#1-Ctl/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.770826 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#1-Req/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.770842 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#1-Req/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.770858 /PDM/CritSects/ATA#1-Req/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.770889 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.770906 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.770923 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.770939 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.770956 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.770972 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.770989 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0TX/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771005 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0TX/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771024 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0TX/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771043 /PDM/CritSects/EHCI#0Irq/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771061 /PDM/CritSects/EHCI#0Irq/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771078 /PDM/CritSects/EHCI#0Irq/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771094 /PDM/CritSects/EM-REM/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771111 /PDM/CritSects/EM-REM/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771128 /PDM/CritSects/EM-REM/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771144 /PDM/CritSects/FTM/ContentionR3         0 times
00:22:45.771161 /PDM/CritSects/FTM/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771177 /PDM/CritSects/FTM/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771194 /PDM/CritSects/GIMDev#0Auto/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771210 /PDM/CritSects/GIMDev#0Auto/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771226 /PDM/CritSects/GIMDev#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771243 /PDM/CritSects/MM-HYPER/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771259 /PDM/CritSects/MM-HYPER/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771276 /PDM/CritSects/MM-HYPER/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771292 /PDM/CritSects/NOP/ContentionR3         0 times
00:22:45.771308 /PDM/CritSects/NOP/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771325 /PDM/CritSects/NOP/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771341 /PDM/CritSects/OHCI#0Irq/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771357 /PDM/CritSects/OHCI#0Irq/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771373 /PDM/CritSects/OHCI#0Irq/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771390 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionR3         0 times
00:22:45.771406 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771422 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771439 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionR3         0 times
00:22:45.771455 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771471 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771488 /PDM/CritSects/REM-Register/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771504 /PDM/CritSects/REM-Register/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771520 /PDM/CritSects/REM-Register/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771537 /PDM/CritSects/TM Timer Lock/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771553 /PDM/CritSects/TM Timer Lock/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771569 /PDM/CritSects/TM Timer Lock/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771585 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771602 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771618 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771635 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771651 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771667 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771683 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev#0/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771700 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev#0/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771716 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev#0/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771732 /PDM/CritSects/acpi#0/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771748 /PDM/CritSects/acpi#0/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771764 /PDM/CritSects/acpi#0/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771780 /PDM/CritSects/ichac97#0Auto/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771796 /PDM/CritSects/ichac97#0Auto/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771812 /PDM/CritSects/ichac97#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771842 /PDM/CritSects/mc146818#0Auto/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771859 /PDM/CritSects/mc146818#0Auto/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771875 /PDM/CritSects/mc146818#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771892 /PDM/CritSects/pcarch#0Auto/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771909 /PDM/CritSects/pcarch#0Auto/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771925 /PDM/CritSects/pcarch#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771941 /PDM/CritSects/pcbios#0Auto/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.771958 /PDM/CritSects/pcbios#0Auto/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.771974 /PDM/CritSects/pcbios#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.771990 /PDM/CritSects/pckbd#0Auto/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.772007 /PDM/CritSects/pckbd#0Auto/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.772023 /PDM/CritSects/pckbd#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.772040 /PDM/CritSects/pit#0/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.772056 /PDM/CritSects/pit#0/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.772073 /PDM/CritSects/pit#0/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.772090 /PDM/CritSects/usb-ehci#0Auto/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.772106 /PDM/CritSects/usb-ehci#0Auto/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.772123 /PDM/CritSects/usb-ehci#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.772139 /PDM/CritSects/usb-ohci#0Auto/ContentionR3        0 times
00:22:45.772155 /PDM/CritSects/usb-ohci#0Auto/ContentionRZLock        0 times
00:22:45.772174 /PDM/CritSects/usb-ohci#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock        0 times
00:22:45.772191 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionR3EnterExcl        0 times
00:22:45.772208 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionR3EnterShared        0 times
00:22:45.772224 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionRZEnterExcl        0 times
00:22:45.772241 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionRZEnterShared        0 times
00:22:45.772258 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionRZLeaveExcl        0 times
00:22:45.772275 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionRZLeaveShared        0 times
00:22:45.772291 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/R3EnterExcl      698 times
00:22:45.772308 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/R3EnterShared   710171 times
00:22:45.772325 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/RZEnterExcl        0 times
00:22:45.772342 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/RZEnterShared  4052789 times
00:22:45.772359 /PDM/Queue/AHCI-Xmit/AllocFailures        0 times
00:22:45.772379 /PDM/Queue/AHCI-Xmit/Flush              0 calls
00:22:45.772399 /PDM/Queue/AHCI-Xmit/FlushLeftovers        0 times
00:22:45.772418 /PDM/Queue/AHCI-Xmit/Insert             1 calls
00:22:45.772438 /PDM/Queue/AHCI-Xmit/cItems            60 count
00:22:45.772459 /PDM/Queue/AHCI-Xmit/cbItem            32 bytes
00:22:45.772479 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/AllocFailures         0 times
00:22:45.772499 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/Flush                 0 calls
00:22:45.772517 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/FlushLeftovers        0 times
00:22:45.772534 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/Insert                0 calls
00:22:45.772551 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/cItems                8 count
00:22:45.772568 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/cbItem               56 bytes
00:22:45.772585 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/AllocFailures        0 times
00:22:45.772602 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/Flush              0 calls
00:22:45.772618 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/FlushLeftovers        0 times
00:22:45.772635 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/Insert         20124 calls
00:22:45.772652 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/cItems             1 count
00:22:45.772668 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/cbItem            24 bytes
00:22:45.772685 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/AllocFailures        0 times
00:22:45.772701 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/Flush             0 calls
00:22:45.772718 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/FlushLeftovers        0 times
00:22:45.772734 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/Insert        14662 calls
00:22:45.772751 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/cItems            1 count
00:22:45.772768 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/cbItem           24 bytes
00:22:45.772784 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/AllocFailures        0 times
00:22:45.772801 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/Flush               0 calls
00:22:45.772818 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/FlushLeftovers        0 times
00:22:45.772848 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/Insert            246 calls
00:22:45.772866 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/cItems             64 count
00:22:45.772883 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/cbItem             32 bytes
00:22:45.772900 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/AllocFailures          0 times
00:22:45.772980 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/Flush                  0 calls
00:22:45.772998 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/FlushLeftovers         0 times
00:22:45.773014 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/Insert               266 calls
00:22:45.773031 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/cItems               128 count
00:22:45.773047 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/cbItem                48 bytes
00:22:45.773063 /PDM/Queue/Mouse_1/AllocFailures        0 times
00:22:45.773079 /PDM/Queue/Mouse_1/Flush                0 calls
00:22:45.773095 /PDM/Queue/Mouse_1/FlushLeftovers        0 times
00:22:45.773111 /PDM/Queue/Mouse_1/Insert             210 calls
00:22:45.773127 /PDM/Queue/Mouse_1/cItems             128 count
00:22:45.773143 /PDM/Queue/Mouse_1/cbItem              48 bytes
00:22:45.773159 /PGM/CPU0/cA20Changes                   2 times
00:22:45.773176 /PGM/CPU0/cGuestModeChanges         39708 times
00:22:45.773192 /PGM/ChunkR3Map/Mapped                936 count
00:22:45.773209 /PGM/ChunkR3Map/Unmapped                0 count
00:22:45.773225 /PGM/ChunkR3Map/c                     936 count
00:22:45.773241 /PGM/ChunkR3Map/cMax             4294967295 count
00:22:45.773258 /PGM/LargePage/Recheck                  0 times
00:22:45.773274 /PGM/LargePage/Refused                  0 times
00:22:45.773290 /PGM/LargePage/Reused                   0 times
00:22:45.773308 /PGM/Page/cAllPages               1052744 count
00:22:45.773324 /PGM/Page/cBalloonedPages               0 count
00:22:45.773340 /PGM/Page/cHandyPages                 128 count
00:22:45.773357 /PGM/Page/cLargePages                   0 count
00:22:45.773373 /PGM/Page/cLargePagesDisabled           0 count
00:22:45.773389 /PGM/Page/cMonitoredPages               0 count
00:22:45.773405 /PGM/Page/cPrivatePages            482816 count
00:22:45.773422 /PGM/Page/cPureMmioPages               38 count
00:22:45.773437 /PGM/Page/cReadLockedPages              0 count
00:22:45.773453 /PGM/Page/cReusedSharedPages            0 count
00:22:45.773469 /PGM/Page/cSharedPages                  0 count
00:22:45.773485 /PGM/Page/cWriteLockedPages             0 count
00:22:45.773502 /PGM/Page/cWrittenToPages               0 count
00:22:45.773518 /PGM/Page/cZeroPages               569890 count
00:22:45.773534 /PGM/ShMod/Check                        0 ticks/call (           0 ticks,       0 times, max         0, min      -1)
00:22:45.773551 /PGM/cRelocations                       0 times
00:22:45.773567 /PROF/CPU0/EM/Capped                    0 ticks/call (           0 ticks,       0 times, max         0, min      -1)
00:22:45.773583 /PROF/CPU0/EM/ForcedActions        269397 times
00:22:45.773599 /PROF/CPU0/EM/Halted                92278 times
00:22:45.773615 /PROF/CPU0/EM/RAWTotal                  0 times
00:22:45.773631 /PROF/CPU0/EM/REMTotal                  5 times
00:22:45.773647 /PROF/CPU0/EM/Total              1587252818424 ticks/call (3174505636848 ticks,       2 times, max 3158203676898, min 16301959950)
00:22:45.773665 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/Block          2573103 ns/call (980591791467 ticks,  381093 times, max   6743956, min       1)
00:22:45.773683 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/BlockInsomnia        0 ns/call (           0 ticks,       0 times, max         0, min      -1)
00:22:45.773699 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/BlockOnTime          0 ns/call (           0 ticks,       0 times, max         0, min      -1)
00:22:45.773715 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/BlockOverslept        0 ns/call (           0 ticks,       0 times, max         0, min      -1)
00:22:45.773731 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/Timers            7465 ns/call (  3559278154 ticks,  476742 times, max    917879, min       2)
00:22:45.773748 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/Yield             2034 ns/call (      307143 ticks,     151 times, max     19409, min     574)
00:22:45.773765 /Public/Net/E1k0/BytesReceived   36555204 bytes
00:22:45.773781 /Public/Net/E1k0/BytesTransmitted  2705777 bytes
00:22:45.773810 /REM/TbFlushCount                       0 times
00:22:45.773827 /REM/TbPhysInvldCount                   0 times
00:22:45.773843 /REM/TlbFlushCount                      8 times
00:22:45.773859 /SELM/LoadHidSel/GstReadErrors          0 times
00:22:45.773875 /SELM/LoadHidSel/NoGoodGuest            0 times
00:22:45.773892 /TM/CPU/00/cNsExecuting          317607556662 ns
00:22:45.773908 /TM/CPU/00/cNsHalted             984657279364 ns
00:22:45.773925 /TM/CPU/00/cNsOther              23508911955 ns
00:22:45.773941 /TM/CPU/00/cNsTotal              1325773747981 ns
00:22:45.773958 /TM/CPU/00/cPeriodsExecuting      2591198 count
00:22:45.773974 /TM/CPU/00/cPeriodsHalted           92162 count
00:22:45.773990 /TM/CPU/00/pctExecuting                 0 %
00:22:45.774006 /TM/CPU/00/pctHalted                   98 %
00:22:45.774022 /TM/CPU/00/pctOther                     0 %
00:22:45.774038 /TM/CPU/pctExecuting                    0 %
00:22:45.774055 /TM/CPU/pctHalted                      98 %
00:22:45.774071 /TM/CPU/pctOther                        0 %
00:22:45.774087 /TM/MaxHzHint                           0 Hz
00:22:45.774104 /TM/R0/1nsSteps                       141 times
00:22:45.774120 /TM/R3/1nsSteps                       383 times
00:22:45.774136 /TM/TSC/offCPU0                  102927596156888 ticks
00:22:45.774153 /TM/VirtualSync/CurrentOffset      178241 ns
00:22:45.774170 /VUSB/0/cUrbsInPool                     0 count
00:22:45.774186 /VUSB/1/cUrbsInPool                     1 count
00:22:45.774202 ********************* End of statistics **********************
00:22:45.774288 VUSB: Detached 'HidMouse' from port 1
00:22:45.775979 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_cluster, used:0)
00:22:45.776035 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_packet, used:0)
00:22:45.776059 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf, used:1)
00:22:45.776076 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_jumbo_pagesize, used:0)
00:22:45.776257 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_jumbo_9k, used:0)
00:22:45.776382 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_jumbo_16k, used:0)
00:22:45.776447 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_ext_refcnt, used:0)
00:22:45.781243 Changing the VM state from 'DESTROYING' to 'TERMINATED'
00:22:45.785237 Console: Machine state changed to 'Saved'
00:22:47.319857 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event received, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:22:47.319917 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Old usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:22:47.320430 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  New usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:22:47.320471 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator:  Items currently in usage: 03f2827b-c3b8-4aa6-9c31-864f0a4f7907, 8427ad0a-4e91-49ba-878f-78814f80d97c
00:22:47.320550 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event processed, ID = c4245846-e1f3-486e-9012-5df794ba9442
00:22:47.322588 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished!
Anche sta volta, come puntuale, piantata durante l' apt-get upgrade.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Ah, volevo precisare che il suddetto file non era nella posizione da te indicatami, in quanto ho cambiato, in fase di installazione di Virtualbox, la cartella in cui salvare i sistemi operativi virtualizzati, spostandola, anzi creandone un'apposita, nella partizione Dati, per ovvie ragioni di spazio.
Non credo che ciò influisca, anche perché prima di provare Kali e Tails in VM, avevo installato Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit, virtualizato. e non ha mai dato problemi, a parte il rilevamento di rete, ogni tanto.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Livello: Disco fisso (9/15)
Livello: Disco fisso (9/15)
Messaggi: 869
Iscritto il: gio mag 02, 2013 3:32 pm
Località: Vescovana (PD)

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da eDog »

Uhm, non vedo errori né altre anomalie.

Potresti provare a disabilitare qualsiasi accelerazione hardware dalla configurazione della VM, o allocarle soltanto 1 core (nel caso non fosse già così)..
I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice. - Albert Einstein
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Ho abilitato l'accelerazione 3D, che era disabilitata; per il resto, ho lasciato com'era di default. ok, provo allora a disabilitare l'accelerazione hardware e 3D.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Ho disabilitato l'accelerazione, ma il problema rimane.
Preciso che in fase, diciamo di installazione in macchina virtuale, ho abilitato la cifratura; quindi, quando vado ad avviare il sistema in VM, mi chiede preventivamente la password per la decifratura.
potrebbe esser questo che gli dà noia? anche se mi sembra strano...
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Messaggi: 4120
Iscritto il: lun gen 26, 2015 10:13 am

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da CUB3 »

ho notato che quando faccio girare un sistema operativo in VM, la schermata non vien sfruttata, diciamo, a pieno, ma rimane di dimensioni di circa 3 quarti del video, anche massimizzando la finestra.
Immagino che tu non abbia installato le Guest Additions sul sistema virtualizzato ("guest", appunto). Questa installazione potrebbe risolvere anche il problema della terminazione del gestore delle finestre.
Se così non fosse, come hai configurato la scheda "Rete" dei sitemi virtualizzati? NAT?
Hai problemi anche con la normale navigazione internet o solo con l'aggiornamento?
"Let me tell you a secret: when you hear that the machine is “smart”, what it actually means is that it’s exploitable." Mikko Hypponen
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Ciao Cub3,
Sì sì ho già installato le gestione additions, è la prima cosa che ho fatto. la rete me l'ha impostata e rilevata in automatico. non ho apportato modifiche.
Durante la normale navigazione, non dà problemi. li dà solo in quel frangente su detto.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Messaggi: 4120
Iscritto il: lun gen 26, 2015 10:13 am

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da CUB3 »

Ma... la stessa identica cosa con entrambe le distro (Kali e TAILS)??

Le Guest Additions installate sulle macchine virtuali rispecchiano la versione di Virtualbox installato sulla macchina Host?
I sistemi virtualizzati sono 32-bit o 64-bit?

Immagino che tu abbia dato il comando "apt-get upgrade" in un emulatore di terminale, potresti provare a darlo su un terminale "reale": una volta avviata una macchina Guest, passa ad un'altro terminale premendo Ctrl(destro!)+F1, effettua il login e prova a fare l'aggiornamento da lì.
"Let me tell you a secret: when you hear that the machine is “smart”, what it actually means is that it’s exploitable." Mikko Hypponen
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Ma... la stessa identica cosa con entrambe le distro (Kali e TAILS)??
Sì, uguale.

Le Guest Additions installate sulle macchine virtuali rispecchiano la versione di Virtualbox installato sulla macchina Host?
Sì, versione 5.0.

I sistemi virtualizzati sono 32-bit o 64-bit?

La Kali è a 64 bit, la Tails è predefinita i686; l'immagine iso (scaricata ovviamente dal sito ufficiale) dà solo quella versione.

Immagino che tu abbia dato il comando "apt-get upgrade" in un emulatore di terminale.
Ho dato il comando nel terminale presente nelle distribuzioni; non so se sia un emulatore.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Messaggi: 4120
Iscritto il: lun gen 26, 2015 10:13 am

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da CUB3 »

Usag ha scritto:Ho dato il comando nel terminale presente nelle distribuzioni; non so se sia un emulatore.
Riprova seguendo le mie istruzioni:
una volta avviata una macchina Guest, passa ad un'altro terminale premendo Ctrl(destro!)+F1, effettua il login e prova a fare l'aggiornamento da lì.
"Let me tell you a secret: when you hear that the machine is “smart”, what it actually means is that it’s exploitable." Mikko Hypponen
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Ho avviato il terminale, premendo CTRL dx + F1, su Tails, ma quando do le credenziali, continua a darmi un inspiegabile e continuo messaggio, ad ogni tentativo, che il login è incorretto.
Non capisco, girando solo in live e senza installazione, dovrebbe supportare le credenziali canoniche:


o sbaglio? altrimenti non saprei cosa inserire.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Messaggi: 4120
Iscritto il: lun gen 26, 2015 10:13 am

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da CUB3 »

Usag ha scritto:Ho avviato il terminale, premendo CTRL dx + F1, su Tails, ma quando do le credenziali, continua a darmi un inspiegabile e continuo messaggio, ad ogni tentativo, che il login è incorretto.
Non capisco, girando solo in live e senza installazione, dovrebbe supportare le credenziali canoniche:


o sbaglio? altrimenti non saprei cosa inserire.
:imbarazzo: ... non vorrei sembrare scortese ma... RTFM: la password dell'amministratore dovresti sceglierla tu.
Comunque, sperando sempre di non sembrare scortese RTFM: lascia perdere l'aggiornamento con apt-get su Tails.

Adesso, dopo aver letto TUTTA la documentazione riguardante Kali e quando dico TUTTA intendo TUTTA, TUTTA (se scopro che non l'hai fatto, non ti aiuterò più :P ), potresti provare lo stesso metodo che ti ho suggerito con quest'altra distro.
"Let me tell you a secret: when you hear that the machine is “smart”, what it actually means is that it’s exploitable." Mikko Hypponen
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Ok, lette tutte le documentazioni che mi hai passato... ma proprio tutte :mrgreen: .
Devo dire che non sapevo che Tails sconsigliasse gli aggiornamenti, tramite apt-get.
Son rimasto un po' sorpreso da ciò, in quanto m'è sembrato di capire che praticamente ad ogni uscita, bisogna riscaricare ogni volta l'immagine della distribuzione, che ha i nuovi aggiornamenti installati; ma, se per esempio nel mentre, venisse fuori una falla nel kernel Linux? che si fa? bisogna attendere che ci sia la successiva release, per mettere il sistema in sicurezza? molto strano per una distribuzione che punta peraltro su certi parametri.
per quanto riguarda Kali, mi sa che faccio prima a riscaricare non appena l'immagine è disponibile; infatti è da 2 giorni che quando vado a cliccare sul relativo link per lo scaricamento, mi si apre una pagina col classico Errore 404.
L'immagine che avevo ho dovuto eliminarla, in quanto corrotta.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Messaggi: 4120
Iscritto il: lun gen 26, 2015 10:13 am

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da CUB3 »

Usag ha scritto:Ok, lette tutte le documentazioni che mi hai passato... ma proprio tutte :mrgreen: .
Ottimo! :approvo
Usag ha scritto:Devo dire che non sapevo che Tails sconsigliasse gli aggiornamenti, tramite apt-get.
Son rimasto un po' sorpreso da ciò, in quanto m'è sembrato di capire che praticamente ad ogni uscita, bisogna riscaricare ogni volta l'immagine della distribuzione, che ha i nuovi aggiornamenti installati; ma, se per esempio nel mentre, venisse fuori una falla nel kernel Linux? che si fa? bisogna attendere che ci sia la successiva release, per mettere il sistema in sicurezza? molto strano per una distribuzione che punta peraltro su certi parametri.
Dovresti sapere che (OpenBSD insegna) "più recente" non significa necessariamente "più sicuro".
A tal proposito mi domando se hai verificato l'immagine di Tails con gpg...
L'upgrade di Tails è automatico: quando esce una nuova versione ti viene segnalata
[Hai fatto 30, puoi far 31: leggiti anche tutta la documentazione di Tails :) ]
Usag ha scritto:per quanto riguarda Kali, mi sa che faccio prima a riscaricare non appena l'immagine è disponibile; infatti è da 2 giorni che quando vado a cliccare sul relativo link per lo scaricamento, mi si apre una pagina col classico Errore 404.
L'immagine che avevo ho dovuto eliminarla, in quanto corrotta.
Facci sapere se, magari, era quello il problema :)
"Let me tell you a secret: when you hear that the machine is “smart”, what it actually means is that it’s exploitable." Mikko Hypponen
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

allora, il problema con gli aggiornamenti di Kali è rimasto; però ho fatto un'ulteriore prova.
Infatti ho provato ad installare Win 10 Pro, in macchina virtuale ovviamente) e gli aggiornamenti son partiti da soli, in automatico, e stavolta sono andati a buon fine, compresa l'installazione.
Molto strano, cmq va bene così. non muore nessuno se Kali non si aggiorna. vuol dire che la userò solo per cose specifiche, e all'occorenza.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Messaggi: 4120
Iscritto il: lun gen 26, 2015 10:13 am

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da CUB3 »

Hai installato te Kali oppure hai scaricato una macchina virtuale già preparata?
Nel primo caso, quanta RAM hai dedicato alla macchina virtuale e quanta ne hai "fisicamente" disponibile?
"Let me tell you a secret: when you hear that the machine is “smart”, what it actually means is that it’s exploitable." Mikko Hypponen
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

No no, ho scaricato l'immagine iso dal sito ufficiale e poi l'ho montata in macchina virtuale.
Gl'ho dedicato 8 GB di ram, su 16 fisicamente presenti.
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Messaggi: 4120
Iscritto il: lun gen 26, 2015 10:13 am

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da CUB3 »

Quindi stai utilizzando Kali come "Live CD".
In questo modo, se anche gli aggiornamenti andassero a buon fine, li perderesti al momento dello spegnimento della macchina virtuale.
Inoltre è impossibile aggiornare il kernel!!

Prova a fare un'installazione o, ancora meglio, scaricati la macchina virtuale per Virtualbox che trovi al link del mio precedete post.
"Let me tell you a secret: when you hear that the machine is “smart”, what it actually means is that it’s exploitable." Mikko Hypponen
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Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Livello: Chiavetta USB (8/15)
Messaggi: 491
Iscritto il: gio lug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da Usag »

Quindi stai utilizzando Kali come "Live CD".
No, l'ho installata in macchina virtuale.

Scaricati la macchina virtuale per Virtualbox.
Cioè, praticamente sarebbe una macchina virtuale virtualizzata? ho capito bene?
Usag: Una bella donna non è colei di cui si lodano le belle gambe, ma quella il cui aspetto complessivo è di tale bellezza da togliere la possibilità di ammirare le singole parti
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Messaggi: 4120
Iscritto il: lun gen 26, 2015 10:13 am

Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da CUB3 »

Usag ha scritto:No no, ho scaricato l'immagine iso dal sito ufficiale e poi l'ho montata in macchina virtuale.
Usag ha scritto:No, l'ho installata in macchina virtuale.
Dovresti chiarire un po' le cose: "montare" un'immagine iso di un sistema operativo su una macchina virtuale è solo il primo passo per procedere ad "installare" il SO; come ultimo passo dell'installazione, l'immagine iso puoi anche cancellarla!
Usag ha scritto:Cioè, praticamente sarebbe una macchina virtuale virtualizzata? ho capito bene?
Io non ho idea di cosa sia una "macchina virtuale virtualizzata"!!
Ci facciamo un ripasso sulle macchine virtuali?

Quella che ti ho suggerito di scaricare è una macchina virtuale già pronta da importare in Virtualbox. Questo ti consente di risparmiarti tutta la procedura di creazione della macchina virtuale (assegnazione di core della CPU, assegnazione della RAM, creazione del disco virtuale, .... ) e dell'installazione del sistema operativo Kali.
"Let me tell you a secret: when you hear that the machine is “smart”, what it actually means is that it’s exploitable." Mikko Hypponen
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Iscritto il: sab dic 31, 2016 6:19 pm
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Re: Re: Virtualbox e problemi con aggiornamenti OS virtualizzati

Messaggio da System » sab mar 12, 2016 10:11 am

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