Aggiornamento per Chrome (Versione 28.0.1500.95 m)

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Aggiornamento per Chrome (Versione 28.0.1500.95 m)

Messaggio da [Claudio] »

Stable Channel Update for Chrome OS
The Stable channel has been updated to 28.0.1500.95 for all Chrome OS devices (Platform version: 4100.86.0 for all devices except). This build contains a number of stability and security improvements.
Release Highlights:
Chrome security fixes - please view the Chrome release announcement for details.
Crash fixes related to suspend/resume on Samsung Chromebook
Keyboard backlight now turns off properly when watching fullscreen video on Chromebook Pixel (257827)
*** Pepper Flash updated to 11.8.800.94-r10
*** ---> :?


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